In August 2011 President Bogomolny called for the creation of a Budget Task Force. The purpose of this group is to both address questions which have been underscored in the past, and, in some key instances, present recommendations concerning core issues that have existed at UBalt for decades.
Some of these questions and issues include:
- Common usage: Are we using the same data sets across the campus in our analyses? Are we interpreting data accurately and using consistent terminology?
- Integrity: How can we achieve confidence and agreement in the numbers we report?
- Availability: Do we generate the reports needed for planning and budget-decision purposes? Do we provide appropriate access to data across the institution?
- Openness: Does the campus community have a clear understanding of the budget-planning process?
- Participation: Are there adequate and multiple opportunities for community feedback and discussion at the department, school/college, administrative office and University levels?
Determining priorities and decision-making:
- Mission: Do budget allocations support the institutional mission? What is the proper balance between academic and administrative costs at UBalt?
- Clarity: Is the decision-making process clear? Are final decisions shared across the institution?