Frequently Asked Accounts Payable Questions:
How long does it take for a vendor/individual to receive payment after the invoice is submitted to Accounts Payable?
- Within 30 days from processing.
- Invoices entered into system with an immediate due date 7-10 working days.
- Individuals receiving reimbursement generally receive them within 2-3 weeks
What is the current mileage reimbursement rate?
- Full rate reimbursement is .625c and Half rate reimbursement is .3125c a mile minus commute miles. No receipt required. The current mileage rate can be found on the web under Mileage.
When does a purchase order need to be created for a pending purchase?
- Any purchase or reimbursement over $100.00 needs to have a PO issued
- Student Government is the exception, they must submit a PO for anything over $250
Do I need receipts for meal reimbursements?
As long as the expenses fall within the state allowed Per Diem no receipts are necessary.
Why did a vendor not receive their check?
The vendor might have a liability issue with the State of Maryland
How should an inter-departmental billing form be completed?
- Charging departments name and chartfield information go on the top of the form
- The department receiving expenditure credits department name and chartfield information go on the bottom
- Provide the dollar amount & detailed description
What expenditure account should I be using on my PO's, IDB's & Expense Voucher Forms?
Expenditure accounts can be found on Chart of Accounts, under Helpful Documents on the web or you can call Accounts Payable at ext. 4740
I need a check in hand to pay a vendor for an event, how can I accomplish this?
Contact Accounts Payable at ext. 4740. Accounts Payable will need the chartfield information for the department being charged. Documentation (invoice, receipts, etc) to back up the monetary request is also required.