Employee and Labor Relations
Each UBalt faculty and staff member has an important role in making our campus community a unique, exciting and innovative workplace of choice. Maintaining productive and positive relationships is key in empowering our workforce to accomplish UBalt’s mission and vision.
We are committed, through collaboration, influence and development, to empower and support these aspirational partnerships and working relationships. Providing information and partnering in the development of workforce management programs that align with UBalt’s commitment to building a great workplace is the primary focus of this HR service and is reflected in our:
- Creating a culture of performance feedback and dialog through a performance management process
- Reviewing and interpreting USM and UBalt workforce policies and procedures
- Interpreting various federal, state and institutional workforce rules and regulations
- Improving and developing proactive dialogue between leadership, faculty and staff
- Providing guidance for handling difficult workplace situations and conflicts
- Providing guidance and counsel to staff considering a career change decision
- Creating an environment that is safe from sexual misconduct
For more specific information on workforce policies and procedures, please click on the applicable link. If you are interested in learning more about the services listed above, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resources.