Click the date below to view the curriculum requests approved on that date.
The information provided is in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.
Each document will open in a new browser window.
Academic Year 2015-2016
June 14, 2016
May 20, 2016
- BA Interdisciplinary Studies -- Change in program requirements
- Environmental Sustainability and Human Ecology - Cultural Resource Manangement Track -- Change in program requirements
- CMAT 336 Plays in Performance -- Deactivate course
- CMAT 350 Integrated Computer Graphics -- Deactivate course
- CMAT 455 Hypermedia -- Deactivate course
- CMAT 497 Special Topics in Communication -- Add laboratory fee
- CMAT 458 Project Management -- Remove CMAT 340 as pre-requisite
- CMAT 364 Digital Photography -- Add CMAT 212 or equivalent as pre-requisite
- CMAT 366 Sound Portraits -- Add laboratory fee
- IDIS 497 Interdisciplinary Studies Portfolio -- Add new pre-requisites
- ARTS 352 The Essentials of Arts Management -- Add new pre-requisite
- BA English, Applied Rhetoric Specialization -- Change program requirements
- BA English, Professional Writing Specialization -- Change program requirements
April 25, 2016
- CMAT 212 Computer Graphics: Imaging -- Change course description
- CWPA 720 Advanced Writing Workshop -- Add new course
- CWPA 799 Thesis II:Writing -- Change title and course number
- MFA in Creative Writing & Publishing Arts -- Change number of credits for required electives
- MFA in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts -- Change program requirements
- MFA in Creative Writing and Publishing Arts -- Remove CWPA 780, 786 and 787 as required courses
- Digital Communications -- Change program requirements
- CWPA 626 Literary Nonfiction -- Change course title
- CWPA 620 Creativity: Ways of Seeing -- Delete lab fee
- CWPA 624 Workshop in Novel Writing -- Deactivate course
- CWPA 795 Seminar in Creative Writing & Publishing Arts -- Change course title and number
- CMAT 374 Magazine Design -- Change course title and pre-requisites
- CMAT 353 Research Methods in Digital Communication -- Change pre & co-requisite
- CWPA 610 Introduction to Publications Software -- Add new course
- ANTH 201 Introduction to Archaeology -- Add new course
- CMAT 392 Media Branding -- Change pre-requisite
- ANTH 202 Introduction to Archaeology Laboratory -- Add new course
- MATH 100 Foundational Mathematics -- Change course credits hours to variable
- CWPA 623 Poetry Workshop -- Update course description
April 6, 2016, 2016
March 21, 2016
- HIST 204 Arican American History to 1865 -- Add new course
- HIST 205 Arican American History since 1865 -- Add new course
- HIST 395 Introduction to Historiography -- Remove as core requirement for BA in History
February 16, 2016
- HIST 480 Introduction to Public History -- Change course number
- HIST 473 U.S. Women's History -- Change course number
- HIST 463 History of Germany -- Change course number
December 15, 2015
- COSC 401 The TCP/IP Protocol Suite -- Change prerequisites
- COSC 432 Information Assurance -- Change prerequisites
- COSC 433 Network Security -- Change prerequisites
- COSC 434 Web and Database Security -- Change prerequisites
- COSC 451 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design -- Change prerequisites
- COSC 490 Practicum in Information Technology -- Change prerequisites
- HIST 478 History of American Business -- Change course number
- HIST 470 Modern China -- Change course number
- HIST 472 Modern Japan -- Change course number
- IDIA 602 Principles of Graphics Design -- Add new course
- IDIA 715 Managing UX Projects -- Add new course
- D.Sc. in Information and Interaction Design -- Change program requirements
November 30, 2015
- DVMA 95 Intermediate Algebra -- Deactivate course
- DVMA 093 Introductory Algebra -- Deactivate course
- APPL 609 Occupational Stress and Health Psychology -- Add new course
September 15, 2015
Academic Year 2014-2015
June 30, 2015
- BA in Philosophy, Society and Applied Ethics -- Create new degree program
- PHIL 499 Capstone in Philosophy, Society and Applied Ethics -- Add new course
June 25, 2015
- MATH 100 Foundational Mathematics -- Change from letter grade to Satisfactory/Nonsatisfactory
- Simulation and Game Design -- Remove Game Writing and Serious Games tracks
- Minor in Security and Network Administration -- Change program requirements
- COSC 150 Introduction to Game Design -- Change course description
- COSC 330 Games for Learning -- Change pre-requisite
- COSC 370 Level Design -- Change pre-requisite
- COSC 390 Game Journalism -- Change pre-requisite
- COSC 402 Interactive Narrative -- Change pre-requisite
- COSC 470 Game Development Project II -- Change course description
- COSC 477 Community-Focused Game design -- Change pre-requisite
- ENGL 407 Internship in Professional Writing -- Change from 3 credit course to 1-3 variable
- ENGL 408 Internship in Unversity Publications -- Change from 3 credit course to 1-3 variable
- ENGL 489 Directed Independent Study -- Change from 3 credit course to 1-3 variable
June 1, 2015
May 13, 2015
- COSC 351 Object-oriented Programming -- Change course description
- COSC 251 Computer Programming II - Change course description
April 1, 2015
- HIST 395Introduction to Historiography -- Change pre-requisite
- IDIS 497 Interdisciplinary Studies Portfolio -- Change pre-requisite
- COSC 424 Interaction Design for Games -- Add new course
- WRIT 200 Practicum in Writing -- Change from pass/fail to graded and change course description
- PBDS 660 Web Development -- Change course title, description and pre-requisite
- WRIT 334 / ADVT 334 Writing and Graphics -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 501 Introduction to Web Development -- Change course title and description
- PBDS 661 Advanced Web Design -- Change course description
- Post-Master's Certificate in Library Technologies -- Change certificate program
February 18, 2015
December 4, 2014
- APPL 658 Change Management -- Add new course
- APPL 659 Cross Cultural Organizational Psychology -- Add new course
- BS Applied Information Technology -- Expand to four year program
- ENGL 327 Children's Literature -- Change course number
- ENGL 328 Young Adult Literature and Culture -- change course number
- HIST 465 Topics in Eastern European History -- Deactivate course
- JPLA 300 Legal Analysis -- Add new course
- LEST 629 Biomedical Ethics -- Add new course
- PSYC 210 Interpersonal Psychology -- Change course description
- PSYC 270 Positive Psychology -- Add new course
- PSCY 490 Senior Project in Psychology -- Change course description
- Simulation and Game Design -- Change program requirements
- WRIT 211 Popular Writing -- Change course code
- WRIT 215 Introduction to Creative Writing -- Change course code
- WRIT 298 Topics in Writing -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 314 Argument and Persuasion -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 315 Creative Writing Workshop: Memoir -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 316 Creative Writing Workshop: Special Topics -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 317 Techniques of Popularization -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 318 Creative Writing Workshop: Poetry -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 319 Creative Writing Workshop: Fiction -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 330 Writing, Editing, and Publishing -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 331 Public Relations Writing -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 332 Introduction to Journalism -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 361 Writing for Digital Media -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 362 Creative Writing Workshop: Playwriting -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 363 Creative Writing Workshop: Screenwriting -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 367 Creative Writing Workshop: Special Topics -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 371 Topics in Advertising -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 380 Syntax, Semantics, and Style -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 381 Legal Writing and Rhetoric -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 401 Publication and Performance -- Change course code
- WRIT 407 Internship in Professional Writing -- Change course code
- WRIT 430 Copyediting and Document Design -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 440 Internship in Univresity Publications -- Change course code and course number
- WRIT 489 Independent Study -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 490 Thesis -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 493 Honors Seminar -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 494 Honors Project -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 497 Topics in Writing -- Deactivate course
October 14, 2014
- APPL 602 Ethics and Legal Issues in the Practice of Psychology -- Change course title and description
- COSC 415 Website Essentials and COSC 417 Adv Program Tech -- Deactivate courses
- ENVS 490 Special Projects in Environmental Science -- Change pre-requisite
- COSC 407 Social Media and Games -- Change pre-requisite
- Information Design and Information Architecture -- Change program requirements
- COSC 310 Fundamentals of Computer Networks -- Add pre-requisite
- COSC 408 History of Video Games -- Add pre-requisite
- HIST 310 Ancient Civilizations -- Change program requirements
- IDIA 624 virtual Worlds: Simulation and Invention and IDIA 644 Ethnography of Digital Culture -- Deactivate courses
- IDIA 712 Topics in Advanced Interaction Design -- Add new course
- MATH 113 Mathematics for Liberal Arts -- Add new Course
- IDIA 625 Interaction Design for Games -- Add new course
July 11, 2014
- COSC 260 Introduction to 3D Graphics -- Change course description and pre-requisite
- COSC 430 Legal Issues in High Technology Crime -- Add new course
July 7, 2014
Academic Year 2013-2014
June 19, 2014
- Environmental Sustainability and Human Ecology -- Change program requirements
- WRIT 100 Reading and Writing Processes for College Composition -- Add new course
- B.S. Applied Information Technology -- Change program requirements
May 12, 2014
- WRIT 300 Advanced Expository Writing -- Change course title and description
- The following COSC courses are being deactivated: COSC 200, COSC 201, COSC 202, COCS 203, COSC 204, COSC 205, COSC 206, COSC 207, COSC 208, COSC 209, COSC 211, COSC 301, COSC 311, COSC 331
May 1, 2014
April 24, 2014
- D.S in Information and Interactive Design -- Change program requirements
- APPL 633 Research and Evaluation -- Add new course
- COSC 435 Digital Forensics -- Add new course
- COSC 456 Advanced Database Systems -- Add new course
- COSC 461 IT Project Management -- Add new course
- COSC 457 Mobile Applications Programming -- Add new course
- MATH 303 Applied Probability and Statistics -- Add new course
April 10, 2014
March 8, 2014
- ENGL -- Change core program requirements
- ENGL -- Change to Creative Writing Specialization
- ENGL -- Add new Applied Rhetoric Specialization
- ENGL -- Change to Professional Writing Specialization
February 20, 2014
- APPL 708 Internship in counseling-- Change course credits
- Counseling Psychology Track -- Add new specialization: Counseling Psychology Science
- Counseling Psychology Track -- Add new specialization: Counseling Psychology Practice
- CMAT 216 Designing with Type -- Change course title and description
- CMAT 392 Media Branding -- Add new course
- COSC 315 Programming for Interactive Design -- Change prerequisite
- COSC 320 Game Concept and Design -- Reactivate course
- COSC 440 Frontiers of Game Design -- Change prerequisite
- CWPA 775 Internship -- Add new course
- CWPA 788 International Writing Workshop -- Add new course
- DESN798 Continuous Enrollment -- Add new course
- ENGL -- Deactivation of Discourse and Technology Specialization
- ENGL -- Change title of Literature Specialization
- ENGL -- Add Literature and Culture minor
- ENGL -- Add Applied Rhetoric minor
- ENGL -- Change program requirements to Creative Writing minor
- ENGL -- Add Professional Writing minor
- ENVS 490 Special Projects in Environmental Science -- Add lab fee and CS grade option
- ENVS 420 Research Seminar in Environmental Science -- Add new course
- HIST -- Add Minor in History
- HIST 395 Introduction to Historiography -- Add new course
- HIST 495 Senior Seminar in History -- Change from elective to Capstone and change prerequisites
- IDIS -- Change Program requirements
- IDIS 304 Arts and Ideas -- Change course number
- LEHS -Change Public History Specialization
February 10, 2014
- ENGL 250 Origins: In Search of Self -- Change course title
- ENGL 301 Introduction to English Studies -- Add new course
- ENGL 317 English Fiction: Journey in Experience -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 318 English Fiction: Journey into Experience -- Deactivate Course
- ENGL 331 Popular Genres -- Add new course
- ENGL 319 European Fiction -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 337 Great Plaus: From the West and East -- Change course title
- ENGL 341 American Literature: THe Central Years -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 344 American Fiction -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 348 The Multicultural Americas -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 349 Identitites: Explorations in the American Past and Present -- Change course title
- ENGL 350 Topics in African American Literature -- Add new course
- ENGL 354 Images of Love -- Change course title
- ENGL 357 Other Worlds: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Mystery -- Deactivate course
- ENGL 360 Major Authors -- Add new course
- ENGL 371 Changing Woman -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 372 Feminine Realities: In the Context of their Times -- Change course title
- ENGL 391 Language as Technology -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 395 Narrative Discourse: Cross-Media Comparisons -- Change course title
- ENGL 397 Reading Strategies -- Change course title and description
- ENGL 498 Seminar in English: The Modern Tradition -- Change course title, description and prerequisite
- IDIA 620 Information Culture -- Change prerequisite
- IDIA 640 Humans, Computers, and Cognition -- Change prerequisite
- IDIA 642 Research Methods -- Change prerequisite
- IDIS 110 Introduction to Information Literacy -- Change HEGIS Code
- WRIT 313 Writing for Information Systems -- Deactivate Course
- WRIT 315 The Art of Memoir -- Change course title and description
- WRIT 316 Creative Journalism -- Change course title and description
- WRIT 317 Techniques of Popularization -- Change course description
- WRIT 320 Writing for Managers and Executives -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 332 Introduction to Journalism -- Add new course
- WRIT 340 Internship in University Publications -- Change course level, description and prerequisite
- WRIT 344 / ADVT 344 Writing and Graphics -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 362 Creative Writing Workshop: Playwriting -- Add new course
- WRIT 367 Creative Writing Workshop: Special Topics -- Add new course
- WRIT 370 / ADVT 370 The Art of Advertising -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 371 / ADVT 371 Advertising: Writing and Design -- Change course title and description
- WRIT 375 Graphic Design and Production -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 377 Getting it Printed -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 381 Legal Writing & Rhetoric -- Add new course
- WRIT 382 The Writer as Reader -- Deactivate course
- WRIT 401 Publication and Performance -- Change course description
- WRIT 407 Internship in Professional Writing -- Change prerequisite
February 1, 2014
Academic Year 2012 - 2013
June 11, 2013
- DESN 798 Continuous Enrollment -- Add new course
- PBDS 693 Magazine Writing -- Add new course
- COSC 210 Computer Hardware/Software Support -- Add new course
- COSC 212 Introduction to Linux -- Add new course
- COSC 305 Networking: Theory and Application -- Change course number to COSC 310; title to Networking: Theory and Application; and description
- COSC 309 Computer Programming I -- Change course number to COSC 151 and description
- COSC 310 Computer Programming II -- Change course number to COSC 251; prerequisites; and description
- COSC 451 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design -- Add new course
- IDIA 730 Topics in Advanced Information Architecture -- Add new course
- IDIA 742 Topics in User Research -- Add new course
April 1, 2013
- COSC 307 Administering and Supporting a Network Operating System -- Change course description, pre/co requisites and course number to COSC 312
- COSC 332 Fundamentals of Computer Security -- Add new course
- COSC 330 Applied Simulation -- Change course description, pre/co requisites, title and course number
- COSC 403 Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming -- Change course description, pre/co requisites, course title and course number to COSC 351
- COSC 412 Unix/Linux Administration -- Add new course
- COSC 416 Advanced Web Site Development -- Change course description, pre/co requisites, title and course number to COSC 453
- COSC 425 Database Design and Implementation -- Change course description, pre/co requisites, title and course number to COSC 356
- COSC 434 Web and Database Secuirty -- Add new course
- ENVS 285 Environmental Chemistry -- Add new course
- COSC 250 Game Scripting -- New course
- COSC 297 Topics in Computer Science -- New course
- COSC 370 Level Design -- New course
- COSC 390 Game Journalism -- New course
- COSC 402 Interactive Narrative -- New Course
- COSC 420 3D Production -- New course
- COSC 477 Community-Focused Game Design -- New course
- IDIS 498 Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies
- IDIS 201 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies -- Add new course
- IDIS 298 Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies -- Add new course
- JPLA 200 Introduction to Jurisprudence -- Add new course
- JPLA 400 Topics -- Add new course
- JPLA 496 Internship -- Add new course
- JPLA 498 capstone Project -- Add new course
February 26, 2013
February 22, 2013
February 7, 2013
- BA in History -- change in program Requirements
- BIOL 101 Humankind in the Biological World -- Modify learning goals
- BIOL 111 Human Biology -- Modify learning goals
- BIOL 121 Fundamentals of Biology -- Modify learning goals
- CHEM 101 Chemistry and the Modern World -- Modify learning goals
- CWPA 775 Internship -- Add new course
- CWPA 780 Literary Publications -- Change course title
- CWPA 788 International Writing Workshop -- Add new course
- ENVS 201 Human Ecology -- Modify learning goals
- ENVS 221 Science of the Environment -- Modify learning goals
- HIST 300 Exploring the Past -- Change course title and course number
- Jurisprudence -- Activate/reactive Course Code
- PHIL 491 Introduction to Jurisprudence -- Deactivate course
- PHSC 101 Earth in Focus -- Modify learning goals
- Simulation and Game Design -- Change program requirements
December 11, 2012
September 19, 2012
July 11, 2012
June 6, 2012
Academic Year 2011 - 2012
May 17, 2012
May 14, 2012
May 8, 2012
- Environmental Sustainability and Human Ecology -- Change program requirements
- IDIA 616 Hypermedia Production -- Change course title and description
- CWPA 761 Teaching Writing -- Add new course
- BA in Psychology -- Change program requirements
- BA in Pyschology -- Change major electives requirement from 12 to 15 credits
- CMAT 391 Public Relations Strategies -- Add new course
- CMAT 353 Research Methods in Digital Communications -- Add new course
- CMAT 459 Advanced Digital Design -- Add new course
April 10, 2012
April 5, 2012
February 9, 2012
- Applied Psychology -- Add PSYC 380 to list of course options
- PSYC 308 Research Methods & Statistics I -- Change pre- and co-Requisites
- PSYC 380 Community Psychology -- Add new course
- CMAT 340 Survey of Digital Communication -- Add new courses
- CMAT 357 Print Design -- Change course title and description
- CMAT 358 Electronic Design -- Change course title and description
- CMAT 359 Print Production -- Add new course
- CMAT 374 Magazine Design -- Add new course
- CMAT 451 Communication Technologies -- Change course description
- CMAT 457 Advanced Print Design -- Add new course
- CMAT 458 Project Management II -- Change course title and description
- WRIT 331 Writing for Public Relations -- Change course description
- WRIT/CMAT 361 Writing for the Media -- Change course title and description
January 24, 2012
December 14, 2011
December 5, 2011
September 6, 2011
- WRIT 377 Getting it Printed -- Deactivate Course
- WRIT 374 The Magazine -- Deactivate Course
- CMAT 361 Writing for the Media -- Deactivate Course
- CMAT 130 Baltimore in the Media -- Change Lab Fee from "required" to Lab Fee may be required
- WRIT 340 Internship in University Publications -- Change number of credits from variable (1-4) to 1
- B.A. in English: Discourse and Technology specialization -- Change Program Requirements
- ANTH 365 Human Population Dynamics -- Remove ANTH 110 as Prerequisite
- ANTH 222 Human Environmental Adaptations -- Remove ANTH 110 as Prerequisite
- COSC 408 History of Video Games -- Add New Course
- HIST 482 Introduction to Historical Preservation -- Add New Course
August 31, 2011
June 29, 2011
Academic Year 2010 - 2011
May 05, 2011
- CWPA 785 Advanced Creative Writing--Deactivate Course
- Community Studies and Civic Engagement--Change Program Requirements
- CSCE 300 Community Case Studies--Change Course Title to Community Studies
- MFA/Creative Writing & Publishing Arts -- Change course requirements
- CWPA 795 Seminar in Creative Writing & Publishing Arts -- Change course description and course credits
- MFA/Creative Writing & Publishing Arts -- Change typography program requirements
- PBDS 680 Image Making -- Chgnge course title and program description
- CWPA 651 Type and Design for Creative Writers -- New course
- CWPA 796 MFA Thesis I -- New course
- CWPA 799 MFA Thesis II -- New Course
- ANTH 252 Archeaeological Research Methods -- New course
- ANTH 295 Historical Archaeology -- New course
- ANTH 320 Forensic Anthropology -- New course
- ANTH 410 Cultural Resource Management -- New course
- ANTH 440 Anthropological Theory -- New course
- ANTH 488 Special Topics in Anthropology
- ANTH 490 Internship in Cultural Resource Management -- New course
- ANTH 499 Special Projects in Anthropology -- New course
- PBDS 719 Design Thinking -- New course
- IDIA 622 Social Media for Organizations -- New course
- CWPA 785 Advanced Creative Writing Workshop -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 504-6 Short Course in Writing -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 507-9 Short Course in Graphics -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 511 Paper & Printing -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 606 Creating Technical Documents -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 625 Script Writing -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 635 Communication Theory & Ethics -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 646 Typography Across Media -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 690 Research: A Writing Tool -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 700 Publications Management -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 701 Media Management -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 706 The Business of Graphic Design -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 708 Promotional Strategies -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 710 History of Print -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 711 History of Communication -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 713 Language, Thought & Meaning -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 714 Myth, Symbol, Sign -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 715 Modern & PostmodernL: Aesthetic Backgrounds -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 716 Propaganda & Persuasion -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 717 Perception & Meaning -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 718 Imitation & Creativity -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 719 Imaging Information & Ideas -- Deactivate course
- PBDS 721 Gifts of the Goddess -- Deactivate course
March 17, 2011
March 2, 2011
February 17, 2011
January 18, 2011
- LEST 696 Legal Studies Internship -- New course
- ENVS 289 Independent Study: Intro Field/Lab Research -- New Course
- Add New Minor in Philosophy
- PHIL 140 Contemporary Moral Issues -- New Course
- PHIL 250 Social and Political Philosophy -- New Course
- COSC 315 C++ for Interactive Design -- Change Course title to Programming for Interactive Design
- PBDS 661 Advanced Web Design -- New Course
- PBDS 662 Design for Digital Elements -- New Course
November 30, 2010
- HIST 121 World History of Art to 1500 -- New course
- HIST 122 World History of Art from 1500 -- New course
- Community Studies and Civic Engagement -- Change course requirements
- ARTS 201 World Music -- change course number to ARTS 121
- ARTS 201 The Arts in Society -- New course
- ARTS 202 Technology and the Arts -- New course
- ARTS 351 The Business of Being an Artist -- New course
- ARTS 352 Essentials of Arts Management -- New course
- ARTS 397 Topics in Integrated Arts -- New course
- ARTS 475 Internship in Integrated Arts -- New course
- ARTS 476 Seminar in Integrated Arts -- New course
- ARTS 489 Independent Study in Integrated Arts -- New course
- ARTS 493 Honors Seminar -- New course
- ARTS 494 Honors Project -- New Course
October 29, 2010
- Change Pre-requesites for design courses in publications design
- PBDS 692: Writing for Digital Environments -- new course
- PBDS 647: Information Design -- new course
- PBDS 615: Typography I -- new course
- PBDS 645: Typographic Form and Function -- change title to Typography II and change course description and pre-requisites
- PBDS 660: Hypermedia: An Introduction -- Change title to Introduction to Web Development