Office 2007 Deployment
Office 2007 was deployed to Windows-based, UBalt computers connected to the UBalt network domain (CIS) on January 6, 2008. After the upgrade, you can use Office 2003 or 2007 applications, except only Outlook 2007 can be used. This page provides Office 2007 resources.
Office 2007 Resources from Microsoft
The Office 2007 interface is different from 2003. The interface changes, which may seem drastic, should make Office easier to use once you become familiar with the changes. The Microsoft resources linked here are just a few of the many tools Microsoft has provided for Office 2007. Additional training resources are available from Microsoft's Training site.
- Key Features of the "Office Fluent" Interface
- What's New? What's Moved? What's Changed: Microsoft site listing the differences in Office 2007 compared to Office 2003
- Office 2007 Guides: Choose from interactive guides or mapping workbooks (files that let you search for a command)
Quick Reference Guides (pdf)*
* Free guides courtesy of Custom Guide