Common Hour is open scheduling for freshmen
starting in Fall 2017. Common Hour is for both
fall and spring semesters.
Common Hour is 12:30 to 1:50 Monday through Thursday. During this time period, there are no
classes scheduled for freshmen: WRIT 101/100,
MATH, IDIS 101, and courses in Learning Communities. There are no mandatory activities, but there will be more programming during this period. Students can attend an event or use the time to study, meet with a faculty member for office hours, take care of a business office issue, do group projects with classmates, catch up on course reading at Robert L. Bogomolny Library, see an Achievement & Learning Center tutor, or any other on-campus activity.
If you are scheduling an event -- a workshop, a speaker, or an activity -- open to all UBalt students, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best days for those events. This ensures maximum student participation and reserves Mondays and Thursdays for studying and course-related work. If you are planning an event for a small group -- members of a class, club, etc. -- then any of the four Common Hour days is fine.
You can tag an event as a Common Hour activity in the UB calendar. You can find the tag underĀ Categories>Topic>Academics>CommonHour.
If you have any questions, send an email to