University of Baltimore – Institution Portion of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Grants July 10, 2020
As per US Department of Education guidance – the University of Baltimore submits the first quarterly report, following our May 13, 2020, submission of CARES Act application and certification for funds allocated under 18004(a)(1).
- Name of entity receiving award: University of Baltimore
- Amount of award: $1,162,973
- Funding agency: US Dept of Education
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for contracts / Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) program number for grants: 84.425F for the institutional aid
- Program source: Education Stabilization Fund
- Award title descriptive of the purpose of the funding action: Relief funds to HE institutions for costs associated with coronavirus University of Baltimore Emergency Institutional Aid Under CARES Act
- Location of the entity (including congressional district): Baltimore, MD/Congressional District MD-007
- Place of performance (including congressional district): University of Baltimore, 1420 N. Charles St, Baltimore MD 21201-5779 / Congressional District MD-007
- Unique identifier of the entity and its parent; DUNS: 14348619 for the grantee and 077411288 for the payee
- Total compensation and names of top five executives (same thresholds as for primes). UBalt is a public institution; our salary data is publicly available/accessible.
(e) Recipient will comply with all reporting requirements including those in Section 15011 (b)(2) of Division B of the CARES Act and submit required quarterly reports to the Secretary, at such time and in such manner and containing such information as the Secretary may reasonably require (See also 2 CFR 200.327-200.329). The Secretary may require additional reporting in the future, including but not limited to reporting on the use of the funds for Recipient’s Institutional Costs, demonstrating such use was in accordance with Section 18004(c), accounting for the amount of reimbursements to the Recipient for costs related to refunds made to students for housing, food, or other services that Recipient could no longer provide, and describing any internal controls Recipient has in place to ensure that funds were used for allowable purposes and in accordance with cash management principles.
Not later than 10 days after the end of each calendar quarter, each covered recipient shall submit to the agency and the Committee a report that contains:
(A) the total amount of large covered funds received from the agency; $1,162,973.00
(B) the amount of large covered funds received that were expended or obligated for each project or activity; $0.00 has been expended.
(C) a detailed list of all projects or activities for which large covered funds were expended or obligated, including:
(i) the name of the project or activity; University of Baltimore Emergency Institutional Aid Under CARES Act
(ii) a description of the project or activity; and: To cover any institutional cost associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction due to the coronavirus.
(iii) the estimated number of jobs created or retained by the project or activity, where applicable; and: N/A
(D) detailed information on any level of subcontracts or subgrants awarded by the covered recipient or its subcontractors or subgrantees, to include the data elements required to comply with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) allowing aggregate reporting on awards below $50,000 or to individuals, as prescribed by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. N/A
Submitted by Ms. Barbara Aughenbaugh, Associate Vice President, Financial Planning and Operations