E-Mail address @ubmail.ubalt.edu decommission


As of September 6, 2013 any mail sent to name@ubmail.ubalt.edu will not be delivered. The email domain @ubmail.ubalt.edu is an older domain name that was provided to UB community members prior to 2003. This domain is being retired in part to reduce spam email. This change will not impact or change your name@ubalt.edu e-mail address.

If you arrived at UB prior to 2003, you have two email accounts. Email sent to @ubmail.ubalt.edu is currently being forwarded to @ubmail.edu. If you’ve never updated or are still using the old email address anywhere, then you will need to update that address. Some examples may be:

  • Subscriptions to email lists.
  • The email address you provided when signing up for online accounts.
  • Friends, family or colleagues who use @ubmail.ubalt.edu to contact you.
  • Web page mailto links you’ve created that reference the @ubmail address.


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