Public Interest Post-Graduate Fellowship Information Session

1401 N. Charles St
AL 408

Public Interest Post-Graduate Fellowship Information Session

Tuesday, April 9, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m., AL 408

This session is ideal for 2D & 3E students who are considering applying for Public Interest Fellowships, including Equal Justice Works, Skadden, and OSI-Baltimore.  Attendees will hear from Michele Bastacky from Equal Justice Works, and Munib Lohrasbi, a 2017 OSI-Baltimore Community Fellow with Disability Rights Maryland, about the fellowship opportunities available from those organizations and how to make use of the summer to prepare for the application process. 




Contact Name:
Katheryn Anderson
Contact Email:

Appropriate accommodations for individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request 10 days prior to a campus event and 30 days prior to an event requiring travel.

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