Sunday, May 10, 2015
All Day
Law School Exam Period
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
Monday, May 11, 2015
All Day
Law School Exam Period
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
All Day
UB Staff Senate Meeting
- Location:
- Business Center
- Room:
- 143
Fuel for Finals
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
- Room:
- Main Lobby
UB Expressions: What Do You Hope For Your Baltimore?
- Location:
- Gordon Plaza
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
All Day
Law School Exam Period
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
All Day
All Day
Fuel for Finals
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- Main Lobby
Transfer Placement (Math Placement)
- Location:
- Langsdale Library: Learning Commons, third Floor
- Room:
- LC426 (Fourth floor of the Langsdale Library) RSVP is now closed.
Graduate Information Session: College of Public Affairs
- Location:
- Academic Center
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
All Day
Law School Exam Period
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
All Day
All Day
TIAA-CREF Financial Services One-on-One Appointments
- Location:
- William H. Thumel Sr. Business Center
- Room:
- 139
State of Maryland Wellness Program Event
- Location:
- Hilda and Michael Bogomolny Room
Playwrights Lab
- Location:
- Wright Theater
Schenck v. United States
- Location:
- Wright Theater
Graduate Information Session: College of Arts and Sciences
- Location:
- Academic Center
Baltimore Authors Respond to the Death of Freddie Gray
- Location:
- William H. Thumel Sr. Business Center
- Room:
- Auditorium
Thursday, May 14, 2015
All Day
Law School Exam Period
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
All Day
All Day
Loan Consolidation Workshop
- Location:
- William H. Thumel Sr. Business Center
- Room:
- 143
Students' Videogame Exhibit
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- Bogomolny Room
Friday, May 15, 2015
All Day
All Day
Reuse, Recycle, Remix: Appropriating Archival Footage
- Location:
- Langsdale Library: Learning Commons, third Floor
- Room:
- 426 RSVP
Merrick School of Business Faculty Awards
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
- Room:
- 12 Floor
Entrepreneurial Luxury Fashion for Social Change
- Location:
- Thumel Business Center Atrium
- Room:
- Auditorium RSVP
Saturday, May 16, 2015
All Day
All Day