1. Use large, legible typefaces.
We recommend you use one of two very legible and commonly recognized and accepted fonts: Verdana or Calibri, both of which are typically factory installed on PCs and Macs. Black type is the most legible, and your typeface size should be 12 point or larger. -
2. Consider the contrast of text and background.
Make sure the color choices you’ve made will work for people with low vision or colorblindness. Even black text on a bright white background may be problematic for some people. -
3. Use simple language.
Shorter sentences and words with fewer syllables are easier to read. This affects students with learning disabilities as well as students whose first language is not English. -
4. Distribute materials in advance.
Providing materials in advance can be helpful to all students, but it’s particularly helpful to students with disabilities or those for whom English is a second language. It might even allow them to participate instead of sitting idle. -
5. Ensure your materials are accessible.
For printed materials, we recommend using Portable Document Format (PDF). Keep in mind that screen readers cannot “read” images, so captions that identify and describe images are necessary. Additionally, if your images contain any text, all of that text should be replicated. On the web and in emails, images must be accompanied by a title and description in order to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act regulations.
6. Face the classroom when speaking.
Students who are hard of hearing and/or who use lip reading as a primary or supplemental access solution will find this particularly helpful. -
7. Encourage students to pursue accommodations.
We suggest faculty include this language in their syllabi:
If you have a documented disability that requires accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability and Access Services at 410.837.4775 or cea@ubalt.edu. The office is in the Academic Center, Room 139. The center provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with documented disabilities. -
8. Address student requests.
As an instructor, you are responsible for providing accommodations. Students should bring you a signed Accommodation Letter from our office, but occasionally you may encounter a student who is not registered. Please ask them to describe what accommodations they seek and let them know you’ll work with our office to determine appropriate accommodations.
This list was made with help from the University of Michigan.