Our Campus Pantry relies on the work of student, faculty and staff volunteers.
What volunteers do.
Volunteers are given tasks based on their availability, strengths and interests.
Pantry Needs Include:
- Donor Outreach
- On-Campus Outreach
- Grant Writing
- Daily Operations
- Graphic Design
- Social Media Marketing
How to become a volunteer.
1. Complete the Volunteer Application (more info TBA!)
2. Attend Volunteer Training
Volunteer Trainings are held at the beginning of each semester. If the training has already passed, you may contact the the UBalt Campus Pantry at pantry@ubalt.edu to set up a time for a one-on-one training session. Volunteers must only attend one training per academic year.
3. Sign a Confidentiality Agreement and Success Contract
4. Determine how often and when you can Volunteer
Most Volunteers decide to volunteer on a weekly or biweekly period, 1-2 hours each shift. The days and time of service will be determined at your training.
5. Choose a Position
6. Help a great cause!