To request a card via email , see instructions below to send a cell phone photo to . beecard@ubalt.edu
Business Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 10am-5pm, when the campus is open. Fridays or any business day contact beecard@ubalt.edu for virtual service 9am-5pm.
Location: Student Center second floor at the top of the stairs.
Email Bee Card Requests:
See below for instructions to request a card.
Bee Cards are produced on business days, usually within 24 business hours, and are free to students, faculty and staff. There is a $20 replacement fee for lost cards.
Bee Cards will be available for pick up daily from 8a.m. to 8p.m. at the security desk in the Angelos School of Law. Government-issued photo ID must be displayed to pick up cards.
Card not opening campus doors?
If your card is not providing access to doors, place a service ticket. to submit a form so that the door access manager can assist you. (The Bee Card office just prints the cards, but does not program them.)
Card not working at the Fitzgerald Garage?
If you purchased parking at the Fitzgerald Garage and the card is not opening the gate, contact parking@ubalt.edu and provide your name and student ID number (seven digit number, not your Net ID which contains some letters.)
Steps to Request a Bee Card
The Campus Card Office has the ability to take virtual requests for Bee Cards for students registered for at least one class, and for faculty and staff on the first day of work.
- Email our office with a picture of your government issued photo ID to beecard@ubalt.edu for verification purposes. Block out any personal information; we only need to verify your name and photo.
- Usually the card will be left at the Angelos Law security desk for pickup. If the card will be mailed, provide a current address to mail the Bee Card, our office does not have access to the address on file with UBalt.
- Provide a current photo taken with a smart phone. Photo guidelines are shown below.
- Photo taken with most smart phones works well
- JPEG format
- Preferred light blue background (no patterns or textures)
- Recommend standing in front of light color wall, door, or curtain for background
- Face and shoulders facing forward. Leave space around your head.
- Eyes open, look at the camera with head straight
- No hands, objects, other people within image, no photo inside car, or crowded background
- No hats, caps, headbands or head scarves (religious head coverings are acceptable)
- Color image, in focus, without any added effects
- Good lighting
- Recent or new photo
- Do not crop (Bee Card Office will crop)
Initial Bee Cards are free, and replacement Bee Cards cost $20. To issue a replacement card our office does not need a government issued ID for verification purposes since that process was completed at the time the original card was issued. The $20 replacement fee can be paid online, and is charged whether the original photo or a new photo is used.
How to Contact the Bee Card Office about your New or Replacement Card:
- Contact our office via beecard@ubalt.edu to let us know you need a new or replacement Bee Card, and confirm acknowledgement of the replacement fee.
- Provide a current mailing address if the card will be mailed to you.
- Feel free to ask for assistance, including an in-person, phone or online appointment.
Our office will send you an email confirmation when your Bee Card has been produced. All information, questions and inquiries should be emailed to beecard@ubalt.edu.
The Bee Card is your campus:
- Photo ID
- Library Card
- Parking Access Card
- A/V Checkout Card
- Door Access Card
- Gym access card when the gym is open, during the fall and spring semesters