Postage Application outsourced effective December 4
Effective December 4, outgoing mail will have postage applied by a third party vendor. By using the vendor, UBalt qualifies for a slightly discounted postage rate.
Outgoing mail can still be dropped off by noon Monday through Thursday at the Mail Room, currently located in Student Center 205, or in the locked white mailbox in the lobby of the Student Center.
The only new process is that a “postage card” needs to accompany each type of outgoing mail to indicate to the vendor how the department wants to send the mail. The “card” is better described as a half sheet of paper which can be preprinted with the department’s name and billing code, and then marked as needed with the postage rate, such as “first class”.
- A box of mail is dropped off to have postage applied. In the same box, there are letters, postcards and certified letters. Each type of mail, in this case letters, postcards and certified letters, needs to have its own postage card in some way attached with tape, a paper clip, a rubber band, securely wrapping the postage card around the letters, or some secure way to ensure that the postage card will still be with the mail when it reaches the postage vendor's machine.
- There are three cartons of flats being sent to have postage applied. Each flat needs to have its own postage card.
This is the "Postage Card", which can be downloaded. Instructions:
- The "postage card" can be printed on a sheet of paper, to make two copies by cutting in half.
- If the postage card file is saved, information which will remain the same each time, such as the department name and budget code, can be preprinted to save time.
- Include a postage card with each set of mail with the same instructions, such as first class letters, first class flats and certifiied letters with tracking.
Q: Do I need to complete the postage card using a computer, and then print it?
A: No, handwritten postage cards can be used. Be carefule to abbreviations and words that may not be understood outside the campus setting, and makre sure that any handwritten information is easily readable.
Q: What if I bring the mail to the Mail Room after 12 noon and miss the pick up?
A: The mail can then be picked up on the next business day Monday through Thursday.
Q: How will my department be billed for postage?
A: The postage vendor will send a report with amounts which will be charged to departmental postage lines as is done now.
Q: Do I need to give the outgoing to mail to someone in the Mail Room?
A: If the mail staff has stepped out, the mail may be ledt outside the door.
- The Mail Room is in SC205 effective August 8, 2024. The office is located in the former glass enclosed computer lab and former Interfaith Room.
- Most mail is being placed in locked boxes, which are located in the lobby of the Student Center behind the Atrium.
- Outgoing mail, including certified mail, may be dropped in the large white mail box next to the Student Center security desk by noon. There are two boxes; one is labeled for mail and the other is for deposits. Both boxes are secure.
- Outgoing packages: UPS comes to the campus on business days Monday through Thursday to pick up outgoing packages. Outgoing FedEx packages require a call by the sender to arrange pickup, including the department's pickup location, since UBalt does not have a FedEx account.
- Incoming packages should be addressed to 21 W. Mt. Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21201.
- Incoming deliveries on pallets or overland freight should be delivered to the Learning Commons loading dock at :1415 N. Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21201. It's informative to the freight companies to include "Morton Alley Loading Dock" in the address.
- Please remember: All packages must be addressed to a recipient or a department. It is difficult to find recipients if only the Ubalt main address is used.
- Package recipients will be notified by email to make arrangements for pick up.
- If inquiring about the delivery status of a package, make sure to include the tracking number.
- Computer components will be released to OTS on the loading dock by Christopher Jennings daily.
- If you need assistance, you may contact