What is the Bias Experience Support Team and what does team do?
The University of Baltimore has established policies and procedures to address student conduct, expectations of employees, discrimination, and sexual misconduct. However, concerns may arise that do not violate university policies, but do not align with University values related to diversity and inclusion. As such, the University has developed a Bias Experience Support Team to address such concerns.
The Bias Experience Support Team will support the University community by:
-Reviewing reports of bias;
-Clarifying relevant policy options;
-Educating individuals about resources for support;
-Providing support to University community members;
-Building awareness through education and training;
-Cataloging reports;
-Assessing areas of continued focus and development; and
-Recognizing the importance of freedom of speech and educating the University community about the overlap of bias experiences and first amendment rights. -
What is a Bias Experience
An experience that negatively targets or intimidates an individual or group on the basis of protected class such as sexual orientation, military status, gender, gender identity, disability, age, race, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, religion, but does not violate University policies protecting against discrimination and harassment based upon those protected characteristics.
Incidents that target individuals based on these characteristics have the potential to violate non-discrimination policies, and are dealt with through other established University policies and procedures that can be found at:-Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures – Complaints of Discrimination against Non-Students
- Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures – Complaints of Discrimination against Students
What if I am not sure that what happened to me was a bias experience?
The services offered by the Bias Experience Support team are geared to providing on-going support to community members that have had a negative experience. Even if you are unsure we encourage you to report the incident, so we can help support you and connect you with relevant resources. It is important to remember if it was a negative experience and had an effect on you there are people here to help.
What do I do if I do not want to file a report, but still want support?
The Bias Experience Support Team will only act after talking to the individual making a report. Additionally, if you wish to connect with resources made available by the team, you can find several on the resources page found on the University website. Resources include options to receive support and connect with confidentially.
What happens if I file a report?
Once the Bias Experience Team becomes aware of an alleged concern, the report will be reviewed. The team will then determine the appropriate response, which may include outreach to the parties negatively affected, the provision of resources for support, facilitated dialogue, or educational opportunities.
Who will know that I file a report?
Knowledge of the reports will be limited to members of the Bias Experience Support Team. Should information need to be shared beyond the team, the individual filing the report will be notified, unless they do so anonymously. As much as possible, the Team will work to empower the individual making the report.
Does that Bias Experience Support Team take punitive measures?
The Bias Experience Support Team does not engage in discipline, does not implement charges or sanctions, and does not prevent free speech. The purpose of the Bias Experience Support Team is to provide necessary support for those who report a bias experience, and to build awareness within the University community.
What type support does this team provide?
The nature of the support provided by the team may vary based on the experience, the needs of the individual making a report and other relevant details. The most important thing to remember is that there are resources and support available to you.
How will the campus community be made aware of bias occurrences?
In an effort to support an inclusive and safe campus, the University will share details on an annual basis regarding the numbers of reports, types of incidents and actions taken. Identifying details regarding these experiences will not be included to comply with all relevant privacy laws.
Why does the University have a Bias Experience Support Team?
Concerns may arise that do not violate university policies, but do not align with University values related to diversity and inclusion. As such, the University has developed a Bias Experience Support Team to address such concerns.
Can I have someone with me when I meet with a team member to discuss the experience?
Yes, you may bring a support person with you to make a report or attend subsequent meetings for support. Please note that because of the often-sensitive nature of information discussed, it is advised that your support person be someone you trust and feel comfortable speaking openly around.
Why does the University use this approach in handling biased experience?
As a public institution, we cannot infringe upon the rights of those within our community. However, it is our responsibility to support members of our community who have been negatively impacted by such an experience.
We acknowledge this may not be an acceptable response for everyone. As such, we encourage civic engagement, political advocacy, and awareness.
Can I file a report if I am not a student, staff or faculty member at University of Baltimore?
All members of the University community, including students, staff, faculty, visitors, vendors, and contractors who experience or become aware of a possible bias experience can submit reports. The same is true for those with no official affiliation with the university.
How can I get more involved with the work related to diversity, equity and inclusion?
For diversity, inclusion, and intercultural learning opportunities and resources, please visit the websites for the University’s DEI committee, Learning and Development’s calendar of events and https://www.ubalt.edu/about-ub/diversity.
How can I make an in-person report?
All members of the University community, including students, staff, faculty, visitors, vendors, and contractors who experience or become aware of a possible bias experience may report directly to one of the following designated University offices:
-Office of Student Support (410-837-4755)
-Student Success and Support Services (410-837-4271)
-Human Resources (410-837-5410)
Please note that during the duration of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in person reporting options may be limited.
Where are the resources related to bias experience?
Please visit our list of resources that can be found here.
Can I make a report anonymously?
Yes, however doing so limits the team’s ability to be able to respond and provide direct support.