Juvenile Justice: Why Reform is Needed Now


Join us for our upcoming UB Law in Focus webinar: “Juvenile Justice: Why Reform is Needed Now,” on Wednesday, Mar. 2, from 5 to 6 p.m.

Juvenile justice reform efforts are strong in this year’s General Assembly. One of the primary goals is to end the policy of automatically charging juveniles as adults for certain crimes. Maryland is one of nine states that send more than 200 children to the adult system every year. Other initiatives include prohibiting law enforcement officers from interrogating juveniles in custody without legal counsel, and limiting the length of probation in the juvenile system.

Discussing the need for these reforms are Jenny Egan, chief attorney, juvenile division, Maryland Office of the Public Defender; UBalt Law alumna Aneesa Khan, J.D. ’17, assistant public defender, juvenile division, Maryland Office of the Public Defender; and chef Michael Singleton, of Baltimore’s acclaimed Blacksauce Kitchen, who will share his experience with the juvenile justice system.

Moderating the discussion is Heather Warnken, executive director of the UBalt Law Center for Criminal Justice Reform. Register here.

Contact Name:
Christine Stutz
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