Monday, Feb. 19, 2018
CPDC Internship Week: Learn, Experience, Practice
- Location:
- UB Student Center
How to Get There: Goal Setting
- Location:
- Langsdale Library: Turner Learning Commons, third floor
- Room:
- LC 319 RSVP
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018
12:30 Talks
- Location:
- Langsdale Library: Turner Learning Commons, third floor
- Room:
- LC 319
Bee Savers: Planning for Retirement
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- 2 fl Cafe
On Campus Visibility Tables
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- Lobby
An Evening with SEC Commissioner Michael S. Piwowar
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
- Room:
- Moot Court Room RSVP
Navigating the Federal & State Internship
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- 301
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018
CPDC Internship Week: Learn, Experience, Practice
- Location:
- UB Student Center
Study Groups and Common Goals
- Location:
- Langsdale Library: Turner Learning Commons, third floor
- Room:
- LC 319 RSVP
On Campus Visibility Tables
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- Lobby
Bible Talk
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- 402/301
SGA Weekly Meeting
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- Bogolmony
Open Mic Night
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
- Room:
- 1201
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018
CPDC Internship Week: Learn, Experience, Practice
- Location:
- UB Student Center
On Campus Visibility Tables
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- Lobby
Rescheduled: Adobe Creative Cloud Basics
- Location:
- Langsdale Library: Turner Learning Commons, third floor
- Room:
- LC 426 RSVP
Internship Drop-In Hours
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- 306
Philosophy Club Weekly Discussion Meeting
- Location:
- H. Mebane Turner Learning Commons
- Room:
- 201
How to Get Into Graduate School
- Location:
- Universities at Shady Grove
- Room:
- III-3241
Friday, Feb. 23, 2018
CPDC Internship Week: Learn, Experience, Practice
- Location:
- UB Student Center
On Campus Visibility Tables
- Location:
- UB Student Center
- Room:
- Lobby
UBSPI Auction
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
- Room:
- Moot Court
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2018