MEETS Portfolio Custom Products - Sector Hiring & Earning Profile

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1.  Local Growth Industry Profile for the Universities at Shady Grove, Maryland

2.  Sector Hiring & Earning Profile: Citrus-Levy-Marion, Florida

3.  Biotechnology Employment Opportunity: San Diego County, California

4.  Summer Youth Hiring Profile: Pike’s Peak, Colorado

5.  Healthcare Employment Opportunity: North Valley (NOVA) Workforce Area, California

6.  Industry Retention Profile, Pasco-Hernando, Florida

7.  Manufacturing Impact Profile: Boone-Winnebago, Illinois.



Ranking of Industries by Employment Growth and Earnings Level in Citrus, Levy and Marion Counties

 Question:    Can MEETS help the Citrus-Levy-Marion One-Stop Workforce Connection target the most promising opportunities for students and trainees based on new information about hiring and earnings levels?

 Response:    A customized MEETS release titled Sector Hiring & Earning Profile: Citrus-Levy-Marion, Florida.

 Answer:         This presentation of new information gives those involved in local economic development decisions a common visual and data-based reference for selection of industries to be targeted for aggressive workforce development investment.

 Conclusion:  This MEETS Profile focuses local attention on a few promising target industries; a necessary step to bring educators and training providers together with local personnel managers in these industries to plan strategic demand-driven refinements of curricula and student/trainee recruitment.  Age/gender enhancements can be added.

For more information on this customized product contact

David Stevens,


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