Get your Questions Answered by the Bar Examiners
- When:
- Description:
Working on the Maryland bar application, due May 20th, and need assistance with how to answer a question correctly, what records you should be obtaining, or whether something does indeed need to be disclosed?
Two seasoned attorneys who work with the Board of Maryland Bar Examiners, Barbara Gavin (UBLAW ‘89 ) and Steven Boggs, will be on campus on Wednesday, April 3, and will be available to meet with you and answer any of your questions in a confidential setting.
Individual appointments in 15 minute increments are available from NOON to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
To make an appointment, please email Katie Rolfes at Depending on demand, more appointments may be made available.
In addition, if you have a specific question that you would like to ask and cannot make one of the appointments on April 3, please email it to me and I’ll ask the attorneys to address it and send you an answer.
- Contact Name:
- Claudia Diamond
- Contact Email:
- Contact Phone:
- 410.837.4427
Appropriate accommodations for individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request 10 days prior to a campus event and 30 days prior to an event requiring travel.