Faculty Research Dialogues Presented by Seema Iyer, "Tipping Points in Local Real Estate Markets"


The Merrick School of Business Research Dialogue series aims to disseminate the faculty’s research to the wider community. Faculty and students from all colleges and schools are invited to join in informal talks about the Merrick School of Business faculty’s research streams. Each speaker will attempt to explain his/her research results with an emphasis on the implications for teaching and practice.

Join us for Seema Iyer's conversation about her research topic "Tipping Points in Local Real Estate Markets."

Seema D. Iyer, PhD oversees the Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance—Jacob France Institute (BNIA-JFI), which has been integrating administrative databases to track key quality of life measures for Baltimore's neighborhoods since 2000. Community based indicators are bits of information that generate a picture of a place and provide insight for all stakeholders, both inside and outside a neighborhood, about the overall direction of the community. Dr. Iyer will discuss how indicators of housing vacancy exhibit clear thresholds beyond which a neighborhood experiences increasing rates of abandonment and depopulation. These quantitative measures can be used by public and private sector stakeholders to address seemingly intractable problems of neighborhood distress.



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Tiago Ratinho
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