Monday, Sept. 16, 2013
How to Get There
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103 RSVP
Basic Statistics with Excel
- Room:
- AC 103 RSVP is now closed.
High Zero Experimental Film & Video Night
- Location:
- Student Center - Wright Theater
Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013
Table Tennis registration Deadline
- Location:
- Recreation Center - 3rd Floor Academic Center
Gonorrhea/Chlamydia Testing
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 306
Constitution Day Preview of the Supreme Court's 2013 Term
- Location:
- John and Frances Angelos Law Center
- Room:
STX Information Table: Learn about the 2014 STXtreme Internship Opportunity
- Location:
- Student Center Lobby
Emerging Leaders Series: Earthquake! - Leading in Times of Crisis
- Location:
- Student Center
- Room:
- 301 RSVP
Reading Strategies: You Don't Have to Read Every Word
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103 RSVP is now closed.
Constitution Day 2013: A Discussion With Former U.S. Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes
- Location:
- Town Hall, Learning Commons RSVP
Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013
What Does It Take to Feed a City?
- Location:
- Learning Commons
- Room:
- Town Hall RSVP
Reading Strategies: You Don't Have to Read Every Word
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103 RSVP is now closed.
Soup & Substance
- Location:
- Student Center
- Room:
- 002 RSVP
Sakai Basics
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103 RSVP is now closed.
UB Friends Fall 2013 Kick Off: CANCELED
- Location:
- Student Center
- Room:
- 002 RSVP
Panel Discussion - The Impact of Technology
- Location:
- Business Center
- Room:
- Auditorium
Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013
Wellness Fair
- Location:
- Gordon Plaza
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103 RSVP is now closed.
UB Young Alumni at Mustang Alley's!
- Location:
- Off Campus
Merrick Speaker Series Presents Former FDIC Chairwomen, Sheila Bair, author of "Bull by the Horns"
- Location:
- Student Center - Wright Theater
Friday, Sept. 20, 2013
Cancelled: Word Basics
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013
Basic Statistics with Excel
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103 RSVP is now closed.
Inferential Statistics with SPSS
- Location:
- Academic Center
- Room:
- 103 RSVP is now closed.