The Digital Design Studio is a private lab for students enrolled in specific classes in the Klein Family School of Communications Design. The focus of the studio is design—in all media and formats. Students can use the studio to work on course-related print, Web and audio/visual-based projects to create their designs. The Digital Design Studio may not be used for any word processing, reports, script writing or papers or for the printing of any of these items. Please use the University’s student computer labs for these needs.
Studio hours are posted in the Digital Design Studio (LAP 204) and on the Web. Students who are enrolled in classes that require a lab fee be paid toward the Digital Design Studio may use the lab during these hours. If you aren't sure if your class is on the list, ask the lab assistant.
Using the computers
The computers in the Digital Design Studio are available on a first-come, first-served basis. When the lab is very busy, users are asked to adhere to a courtesy policy of a maximum of two hours of use. Please be prompt in collecting your materials and getting off the machine, unless no one is waiting to get on a machine.
Signing in and out
Upon entering and leaving the lab, always sign in and out on the log located on the lab assistant's desk.
If you have a Lab Card, instead of indicating a class name, write "Lab Card" or "LC" when signing in.
Lab assistants
The lab assistants working in the lab are there to assist users in printing and managing color print jobs, to handle all monetary transactions and to assist in troubleshooting software problems. The assistants are not able to train you to use software programs, are not aware of your class' homework assignment and cannot/will not do your homework for you. If you feel you have been sent to the lab to do an assignment you are unable to complete due to lack of software knowledge, speak to your instructor to resolve the issue. If you have trouble working with a lab assistant, e-mail the director of technologies.
Independent Study students, freelancers, alumni and others
Independent Study students, freelancers and alumni are welcome to work in the lab on a walk-in basis. Printouts and supplies must be paid for at the time of use; there is no billing. Lab cards are available for purchase, giving these users the same benefits of the lab as a lab fee.
Storing your files
Students are responsible for the back-up and safe keeping of their own files by backing them up to their own disks. The hard disks on the computers in the lab are for system software and lab storage only. The hard drives are maintained regularly, and any work left on them is deleted.
System configuration
Do not change, alter, add, subtract or in any way reconfigure any of the computer stations. No software may be added to the machines, and no cables or hardware may be changed. If you have a suggestion for improvement to the systems, however small or large, please share it with the director of technologies.
User responsibilities
Digital Design Studio users are expected to follow the studio's policies and to respect the lab assistants and others around them. Failure to do so will result in the loss of lab privileges.
Color printing and poster printing
The color printer and poster printer are available for use on all machines for a nominal charge. Follow the directions for printing that are listed in the lab manual. Prices are posted in the lab. The Digital Design Studio will accept checks or credit cards only for amounts more than $4. Please understand that we are not a service bureau. If you compare the prices for printouts in the lab with commercial shops, you realize our profit is minimal. If you print on any of these printers, you are responsible for paying for them, regardless of satisfaction. The studio is not responsible for nicks, flecks, color shifts or any user error, such as font problems or image linking. Barring major hardware malfunction, the official policy is "you print, you pay."
Smoking and eating
Smoking is not permitted in any UBalt building. Food is not permitted in the lab areas, and drinks are not allowed near the computer workstations.
Cell phones and the design studio telephone
The lab phone is for lab business only. If you receive cell phone calls while in the lab, please move into the lobby area to continue your conversation.
Lab Cards
Lab Cards are available to students who are not currently enrolled in a class with a lab fee to the Digital Design Lab, as well as to alumni and people outside the University, as a means of accessing the lab for certain design projects. A Lab Card gives you the same benefits as those of a student who has paid a lab fee. This means you can sign up for time, and don't have to pay for your laser printouts.
However, certain projects should not be done using a Lab Card. If you plan to do a lot of work; generate a lot of pages; design or write a book, catalog or periodical/newsletter; or use the lab as your designing/office/workspace, the Lab Card was not intended for these purposes. Arrangements for these projects should be made with the director of technologies.
Please do not use the lab for multiple runs of documents (such as resumes or letters) or for writing reports, scripts or any other word-processing documents. If you do any of this work in the lab, you will be asked to stop.Lab Cards are only valid during the duration of the semester in which they are purchased. When the semester ends, the Lab Cards are no longer valid, and users must purchase a new card for the next semester. Lab Card rates are not pro-rated depending on when they are purchased in the semester—they are always the same price.
Lab Cards can be purchased from a lab assistant with a check or credit card. Prices are different for current students in Klein Family School of Communications Design programs and others, so please ask the lab assistant for details. Current prices are posted.
Printing prices
Printer Size Lab User Price Walk-in Price Laser prints (per side) letter/legal n/a $1.00 Color laser printer (per side) letter
$4.00Poster printer 35.6" x (your length) $0.60 per linear inch $ .85 per linear inch Lab Card (semester) $85 (SCD students
not currently in a
design class)$170 (other students,
Walk-ins, alumni,
MICA students, etc.)Summer Lab Card $60 (SCD students
not currently in a
design class)$120 (Walk-ins, alumni,
MICA students, etc.)