IO Psychology Frequently Asked Questions
Is internship or practicum required?
Although an internship and/or practicum is not required, it is an option that many students have found to be beneficial in getting a full-time job upon graduation. Many internship opportunities in this field are paid.
When should I do an internship?
Normally students would embark upon an internship no earlier than the first summer after their first fall and spring semesters. Most qualified internships require some budding expertise in IO psychology and going after an internship before you are ready could actually not be beneficial.
What kind of stats are necessary?
A basic understanding of descriptive stats, correlation, regression and analysis of variance (anova).
What kind of programs/skills do organizations want me to be able to know?
SIOP presents 25 competencies that are ideal for IO psychology contributors. However, not all areas would be of interest to you nor of interest to potential employers. For the most part, employers are looking for graduates with current, state-of-the-art knowledge related to personnel selection and assessment, organizational psychology and organization development, survey development, implementation, and data analyses, as well as taking evidence-based research and translating them to business acumen. It also takes dependability, conscientious, motivation, showing initiative and being able to interact well with clients.
Is a thesis required?
A thesis is not required, but it is optional. Students who plan to pursue doctoral studies, wish to keep their options open for pursuing doctoral studies, or want to be involved in a research oriented position are suggested to complete a thesis. One should consider that to complete a thesis, about 12-14 months of dedicated time I required and we recommend starting your thesis in your first summer after completing the first fall and spring semesters. During the summer students normally prepare their thesis proposal and pursue their thesis studies during the subsequent academic year.