You have many options when it comes to financing your studies in the Yale Gordon College of Arts and Sciences.
college of arts and sciences scholarships
D. Randall Beirne Undergraduate Scholarship
Qualified students will be full or part-time undergraduate students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applicants must enroll in 6 or more credits. Applicants must fill out and submit The University of Baltimore Undergraduate Scholarship application and the FAFSA. Students may reapply and receive the award in more than one semester, provided they continue to meet the criteria.
Harry Y. Wright Wilson Scholarship
Qualified students will be full or part-time undergraduate students with a 3.25 GPA or higher. Students must enroll in 6 or more credits. This is a one-time award, but students can re-apply.
Jim White Scholarship
Qualified students will be full or part-time undergraduate students with a GPA of 3.25 or higher. Students must enroll in 6 or more credits. This is a one-time award, but students can re-apply.
William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
Qualified students will be current and new part-time undergraduate students pursuing their first bachelor’s degree who demonstrate unmet financial need. First priority will be given to single parents who meet requirements and do not receive tuition benefits from their employer. Applicants must enroll in 6 or more credits. Students must complete the FAFSA, Institutional Aid form, scholarship application, and essay. Recipients must continue to reside in the United Stated after completion of studies.
Applicants must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher prior to enrollment at The University of Baltimore and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. This scholarship may be used for summer enrollment in certain circumstances.
Yale Gordon Undergraduate Scholarship
Qualified students will be full or part-time undergraduate students with a GPA of 3.25 or higher. Students must enroll in 6 or more credits. This is a one-time award, but students can re-apply.
Bobbye Gold Endowment Fund Scholarship
Qualified students will be full or part-time graduate students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students must enroll in 6 or more credits.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Bunting Family Foundation Scholarship
Qualified students will be Baltimore City high school students and/or graduates with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. This reward is renewable, and GPA must be maintained. Open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Theodore H. and Helen Wilson Scholarship Endowment
Qualified students will be full or part-time undergraduate or graduate honor students. Applicant must demonstrate financial need and complete the FAFSA. Preference will be given to students who are preparing for a career in the field of education, literature, nursing, philosophy, or religion.
Yale Gordon Scholarship (Shady Grove)
Qualified students will be full or part-time undergraduate or graduate UBalt students at The Universities at Shady Grove campus with a GPA of 3.25 or higher. Students must enroll in 6 or more credits. This is a one-time award, but students can re-apply.
AEGON Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
Qualified students will be single parents transferring from one of Maryland’s community colleges. Both full-time and part-time students are eligible. AEGON USA scholars can continue to receive support for four semesters of full-time study, or for up to eight semesters of part-time study. Recipient must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to remain eligible.
College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Scholarship
Qualified students will be transfer students from one of Maryland’s community colleges with a GPA of 3.25 or higher. Only full-time students are eligible. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher to remain eligible.
university-wide SCHOLARSHIPS
Baltimore City Scholars Program
Through our Baltimore City Scholars Program, Baltimore city government employees and select others who work in Baltimore city may qualify for financial aid needed to further their graduate or undergraduate education and directly contribute to a more educated city workforce. For eligibility and application requirements, visit the Baltimore City Scholars Program webpage.
Bob Parsons Scholarship Fund
Through the Bob Parsons Scholarship Fund, the University of Baltimore is investing in Pell Grant eligible transfer students and military/veteran students by providing financial support toward tuition and fees while you complete your bachelor's degree. For eligibility, application deadline, scholarship requirements and more, visit
Samuel G. Rose Scholars Award
The Samuel G. Rose Scholars Award will provide support for undergraduate students who need financial assistance to complete their degrees. Award amounts range between $400 to $9,000 per year, and are renewable for future years. For eligibility and application requirements, visit the Samuel G. Rose Scholars Award webpage.