Legal Studies Undergraduate Degree Requirements
- These requirements apply to students entering this program in fall 2022 and thereafter.
Students who enrolled earlier should consult the catalog in effect at the time they enrolled. - Read the course descriptions.
General Education Requirements (38 credits)
General Education requirements for all new students entering UBalt in fall 2017 and after.
- General Education requirements for all students who entered UBalt in fall 2016 and spring 2017.
- General Education requirements for all students who entered UBalt between fall 2014 and spring 2016.
Legal Studies Program Requirements (33 credits)
Required Courses (18 credits)
- HIST 340 American Legal History or HIST 325 Prisons and Police in U.S. History
- LEST 401 Legal Foundations
- LEST 402 Legal Research and Analysis
- LEST 403 The Trial Process
- LEST 496 Internship
- LEST 498 Capstone Project
Three courses from the following:
- CMAT 320 Argumentation, Debate & Society
- HIST 330 Immigration and Law in U.S. History
- HIST 364 Civil Rights in U.S. History
- HIST 434 Constitutional History
- HIST 438 Great Trials in History
- HIST 440 History of Common Law
- LEST 400 Topics in Legal Studies
- PHIL 250 Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL 316 Logic of Language
- PHIL 480 Philosophy, Law, and Current Events
Two courses from the following:
- CRJU 200 Criminal Justice
- CRJU 330 Criminal Law
- PPIA 300 American Political Institutions
- PPIA 315 Public Policy Analysis
- PPIA 345 The Legislative Process
- PPIA 348 State and Local Government
- PPIA 425 Administrative Law and Processes
- PPIA 461 Maryland Government Processes and Politics
NOTE: Students can request to take a second LEST 400 Topics in Legal Studies or a second LEST 496 Internship course in the place of any of the above electives.
Legal Studies Law School Early Entry Option Requirements (33 credits)
Legal Studies students who are admitted to the UBalt School of Law via the Early Entry Option should take the 18 credits of required courses listed above, and can substitute five (15 credits) law courses for the legal studies elective courses.