Assurance of Learning: B.A. in Legal Studies
Mission Statement
The B.A. in Legal Studies provides students with the legal skills, knowledge, and experience to be competitive applicants for law-related jobs that do not require a law degree. It also helps students who plan to go to law school by giving them exposure to courses about the law and the legal system that should make them well-positioned and well-prepared to pursue that option.
Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes
By completing this program, students will be able to:
- employ appropriate technologies and strategies to accomplish tasks that facilitate the achievement of legal objectives;
- locate, analyze, and evaluate sources of law and communicate effectively orally and in writing about how such sources help answer legal questions;
- demonstrate an understanding of how the legal system works, including how law is developed, interpreted, and enforced, and the roles played by various participants in the legal system;
- demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills using knowledge of the law and understanding of the context in which law operates.