HSAD Course Descriptions
Provides students with a through grounding in the principles and practices of fundraising and grant proposal development. Structured to mirror the process of fundraising management, the course leads students to develop either a fundraising plan or grant proposal for their own nonprofit entity or a case study of the organization. Students consider planning frameworks and a variety of conceptual tools before moving on to consider donor behavior ( the underlying psychology and sociology) and each major form of fundraising in turn. The course concludes with an examination of the critical managerial and sectoral issues impacting fundraising, such as campaign integration, benchmarking of performance , and public trust and confidence.
HSAD 602 HISTORY AND FOUNDATION OF HUMAN SERVICES SYSTEMS (3)History and foundations of human services practice. Societal factors that have fostered the evolution of human services are emphasized and basic strategies and tactics common to the delivery of human services are reviewed.
HSAD 603 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN HUMAN SERVICE ADMINISTRATION (3)Overview of the current status of the field of human services and the political, sociocultural and economic contexts of administration. Discussion of the conceptual and theoretical issues related to the practical skills necessary for administering human services agencies. Offered at Coppin State University. prerequisite: HSAD 602 or permission of instructor
HSAD 610 STRATEGIES FOR HUMAN SERVICES PROGRAM PLANNING (3)Focuses on the various properties and implications of planned change. Emphasis on models, strategies and roles required when working within organizations and in the community to develop new programs with input from a variety of stakeholders.
HSAD 611 PROGRAM EVALUATION AND POLICY ANALYSIS (3)Study of the conceptual and methodological issues concerning the evaluation of human services programs. Includes focus on statistical and data analysis skills and on the relationships between the program/policy design and analysis/evaluation. Offered at Coppin State University. prerequisite: HSAD 610 or permission of instructor
HSAD 620 HUMAN SERVICES LEADERSHIP & SUPERVISION (3)Theoretical and practical analysis of organizational leadership, personnel (employee and volunteer) supervision, workplace design and the ethical dimension of leadership in human services agencies. Provides training in organizational relationships and staff development. Job-related case studies are used to apply principles of supervision and leadership. Offered at Coppin State University.
HSAD 621 ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION-MAKING IN HUMAN SERVICE AGENCIES (3)Decision-making at the individual, work group, departmental and organizational levels within the context of human services agencies. Emphasizes development of skills necessary for securing consistency of practice, the coordination of various planning units and the economizing of planning efforts. prerequisite: HSAD 620 or permission of instructor
HSAD 695 FIELD PRACTICUM I: HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (3)Fieldwork training experience at a human services agency under the guidance of the UB and Coppin State program directors and an on-site agency mentor. Eligible for continuing studies grade. prerequisites: HSAD 620 or permission of program directors.
HSAD 696 FIELD PRACTICUM II: HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (3)Continuation of HSAD 695. Fieldwork training experience at a human services agency under the guidance of the UB and CSU program directors and an on-site agency mentor. Eligible for continuing studies grade. Offered at Coppin State University. prerequisites: HSAD 695 and permission of program directors
HSAD 698 RESEARCH PRACTICUM I: PROGRAM PLANNING, IMPLEMENTATION, EVALUATION (3)Under the guidance of the program directors and a research committee, the student prepares an original work that displays research and writing skills. Topics include a realistic, feasible plan for a new human services program, implementation of a new program and/or evaluation of a program. Eligible for continuing studies grade. Offered at Coppin State University. prerequisite: permission of program directors
HSAD 699 RESEARCH PRACTICUM II: PROGRAM PLANNING, IMPLEMENTATION, EVALUATION (3)The student continues to prepare the original work begun in HSAD 698 and will then formally defend the work before his/her research committee. prerequisite: HSAD 698
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