Kelechi Uzochukwu Ekpagu
associate professor
School of Public and International Affairs
Contact Information:
Phone: 410.837.5601
E-mail: kekpagu@ubalt.edu
Ph.D., Georgia State University and Georgia Institute of Technology (joint program)
M.P.A., Georgia State University
B.S., North Carolina A&T State University
Kelechi Uzochukwu Ekpagu's C.V.
In my undergraduate years, I studied civil engineering with the hope of becoming an engineer like my father. My fascination for how things worked and my desire to improve upon these things further incited me. However, as I neared the end of my studies, I found that my interests had shifted considerably. During those pivotal years of my life, I was heavily involved in extracurricular activities and community service projects as a means to satisfy the extrovert in me. But before I knew it, I had developed a passion for public service and a sobering awareness of the problems that plague society. Thus, with my bachelor’s degree in hand, what commenced was a double life. I was an engineer by day and an avid community volunteer by night and weekends.
Today, with an M.P.A. in public management and finance, a Ph.D. in public policy, specializing in planning and economic development, and several years of constant exposure to the public service challenges in the U.S. and across the globe, my love for problem solving and my passion for public service lives on! At the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, I worked on various community and economic development strategies for assisting low- and moderate-income people and communities. As the Safe Routes to School program coordinator for the State of Georgia, I managed the program’s $17.1 million in federal funding to improve bicycle and pedestrian accommodations for school-aged children across the state and thereby enhance health outcomes, as well. As a program consultant at Global Evaluation and Applied Research Solutions (GEARS) Inc., I provided technical assistance to the CDC and other federal agencies toward more effective and efficient public health programs. And as the administrative associate for a national nonprofit for nearly four years and the treasurer and grant writer for a budding international nonprofit for the past three years, I sorely understand some of the administrative, financial and political challenges that nonprofits encounter. Yet and still, my work as a public servant continues, because I believe that with knowledge comes obligation.
My public service activities extend into my current research, as my projects are related to urban planning, citizen participation, community development, and public health. My overall research agenda focuses on improving local governance and enhancing the quality of life for distressed populations, both domestically and abroad, and I have presented my work at various conferences in North America, Africa and Asia.
Early in my young adulthood, I was exposed to the challenges and obstacles of the public servant. Coupled with my formal education in public management and policy, these experiences caused me to reexamine my goals and redirect my path. So while my mind may be wired like that of an engineer, I have the heart of a public servant.
I absolutely love teaching, and I typically teach in the areas of statistics, urban planning or policy, and economic or community development.
I enjoy eating, running, bicycling, swimming, tennis, rock-climbing and just about anything that gets me outdoors, but spending time with my family and friends is paramount.