President Schmoke’s Communication the UBalt Community
To the UBalt Community:
While last weekend’s Executive Order issued by President Trump regarding immigration and international travel has raised a number of questions, the University of Baltimore is continuing to assist our students, faculty, staff and scholars from other countries. To that end, the University, with guidance provided by the Office of the Maryland Attorney General and the University System of Maryland, will remain in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. The USM and its constituent institutions also will continue to comply with FERPA requirements, which protect student information from disclosure in the absence of a court order or subpoena. The USM also is permitting member institutions to choose not to engage in voluntary immigration enforcement activities that are not required under applicable laws.
Currently, UBalt has a relatively small number of students and others who are citizens of the countries named in the Order. To our knowledge, none of these students have been subjected to the new requirements or restrictions, and those who traveled abroad during the holidays have returned to the U.S.
The Executive Order has generated a range of responses, and it is apparent that the resulting situation is fluid. I feel it is important for the university community to know that, I believe that this Order stands in opposition to some of the most fundamental notions of fairness and decency.
I urge the UBalt community to focus on issues that may arise as they affect specific members of the UBalt community—but also to keep talking and considering what is at stake here. Our diligence, and our expression, are vital to the correct resolution of this matter. We will do our best to keep you informed and to continue serving the needs of those individuals who rely on each of us as teachers, colleagues, mentors and advocates.
Kurt L. Schmoke