SPS Workday
The State of Maryland Employee Health Benefits Division has implemented Workday through Statewide Personnel System (SPS). Workday allows employees to manage their benefits online, which eliminates the need for paper forms. Employees have the ability to:
- View current benefit elections
- Initiate life events (e.g. birth/adoption, marriage, divorce, etc.)
- Enroll in New Hire benefits
- Make Open Enrollment elections
Updates to personal information, including address or name changes and DOB corrections must be submitted through MyUB and will be transmitted into the State's Workday system.
How Do I Log In To Workday?
Step 1: Obtain your username (Workday ID # or W#) by logging in to the POSC.
Step 2: Make note of your username and click the SPS link.
Step 3: First time users will need to enter a temporary default password in the below configuration.
Capital first letter of your first name + Lower case first letter of your last name + 4 digit birth year + Last 4 digits of social security number + $
Example: Jane Smith; ssn-123-45-6789; birthday- 12/01/1975. Jane's default password is Js19756789$
Step 4: Once signed in follow the guide to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). You will choose as least one of the below factors:
- OneLogin Protect
- OneLogin SMS (text)
- OneLogin Security Questions
If you would like to set up additional multi-factor authentication, follow these steps.
Workday Access and Multi-Factor Authentication
View And Manage Current Benefits
Need Assistance?
For assistance with reviewing benefits or creating life events, contact Laura Schoefield, HR Specialist at 410.837.5583 or lschoefield@ubalt.edu.
For password assistance, contact the help desk callcenter@ubalt.edu.