Your OneDrive is available through MyUB, but can also be available on your computer/device if you install the OneDrive application.
This does not replace any existing UBalt network drives including the R, T, M, H, and S drives.
How do I access OneDrive?
Access to OneDrive and all Office 365 applications are available through MyUB in the Tools section. If you go to the Microsoft Online portal, your username is, where netID is your UBalt account name.
Can I sync my OneDrive files to my computer?
We do not recommend synchronizing your OneDrive files to your computer. Instead, please access OneDrive through the MyUB Portal in the Tools section.
If I sync OneDrive on my work computer, can I accidentally fill my local hard drive?
Yes, you could fill your local hard drive. This is one reason we recommend not using syncing and instead suggest you use the OneDrive web app available in the portal.
Can I upload any type of file to OneDrive?
You can upload many file types but there are some limitations. Check this page for information.
I have a personal OneDrive account, will this interfere with that one?
No, but when you're accessing OneDrive for your UBalt account, keep in mind that you should select the OneDrive Business account.
What are the maximum number of items that can be synced using OneDrive?
You can sync up to 20,000 items in your OneDrive for Business library. This includes folders and files.
Is there a size limit for files and folders that can be synced in OneDrive?
Yes, you can sync files of up to 2 gigabytes (GB).