Reporting Across the City
The Baltimore Police Department maintains statistics on crimes across the city. Use the Public Crime Map to learn where reported crimes have occurred.
Stay Informed Around Campus
Staying safe around campus and in nearby neighborhoods is a shared responsibility between the UMB Police, UBalt Campus Safety and Security, and the UBalt campus community. In large part, this is accomplished by simply staying informed about what is happening off-campus, as well as on.
Campus Safety and Security at the University of Baltimore is responsible for maintaining a 60-day Crime Log for public review.
Crime Log Maintenance
Campus Safety and Security at the University of Baltimore is responsible for maintaining a 60-day Crime Log for public review. This log contains all crimes reported to either UMB Police or Campus Safety and Security within the past 60 days, which occurred within the University’s Clery Geography, as that term is defined in the federal regulations. The 60-day crime log is updated within two business days of the report of information to Campus Safety and Security or UMB Police, unless a specific disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the confidentiality of a victim.
Signing Up for UBalt Crime Log Updates
UBalt sends a notification email out to a subscription-based email list when a crime log update is confirmed with the UMB Police. If you wish to subscribe, please follow the instructions listed below:
1) You can email the list server itself and asked to be subscribed:
- To:
- Subject: <blank>
- Body of Emai: subscribe crimelog <Your First Name> <Your Last Name>
2) Subscribe here: Select "crimelog" from the list, then:
- Login using your UBalt credentials (email address and password)
- Click on the three line icon in the upper right below your email address and select "Subscribe or unsubscribe"
- Enter your name as "First Name Last Name" and your email address and click "Subscribe"