Notable Quotables
Category: Noteworthy
“My goal is to save each criminal attorney and judge one hour a week. If I can do that, this thing’s worth its weight in gold.”
—Byron L. Warnken, J.D. ’77, associate professor of law at UB, referencing his three-volume treatise, Maryland Criminal Procedure, during an event celebrating its publication, Oct. 22
“I lost my constitutional faith. I see a document that is increasingly taking us over a cliff.”
—Sanford Levinson, constitutional scholar, during a discussion Oct. 25 about American Epic: Reading the U.S. Constitution by Garrett Epps, UB professor of law
“Architects are very optimistic people. They ... used to deal with tracing paper and pens, now they deal with computer-aided design, but the idea is the same: They want to get up and make the world a better place, and they think they can do it.”
—M.J. “Jay” Brodie, former president of the Baltimore Development Corp., at the Merrick School of Business’ Lessons From Legends event, Oct. 8
“My title for this book was It Could Have Been Different, and I give credit to my agent and my publisher for coming up with [a] much catchier title ... but I think my title actually describes a little more what the book is about, because it could have been different. There were plenty of mistakes and warning signs that were made in the lead-up to the crisis.”
—Sheila Bair, former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. chairwoman and author of Bull by the Horns: Fighting to Save Main Street from Wall Street and Wall Street from Itself, during the Merrick School of Business Speaker Series event, Sept. 25
“We have to look forward—at least I do, so I don’t dwell on the past other than as a starting point to measure how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go.”
—Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, civil rights activist and former Freedom Rider, at the College of Public Affairs’ March 10 presentation of the documentary An Ordinary Hero: The True Story of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, after which she was interviewed by Taylor Branch, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian

Notable Quotables
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