Chelsea Corpening
graduate human services administration student
Hometown: Durham, North Carolina
High School: Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts
Graduated: 2018
I am a leader.
I am strong.
I am a servant to my community.
I faced many challenges growing up, including housing instability with occasional bouts of homelessness. My family and I had never lived in one place for more than two years at a time.
I faced many challenges growing up including housing instability with occasional bouts of homelessness.
By the time I was 14, I attended 11 schools and moved more than a dozen times between three states. Growing up in poverty, I knew I had no control over our financial situation, but I knew I had control over two things: my grades and my music. I worked very hard to earn good grades. I found solace and peace in singing, songwriting and playing the piano. Despite the circumstances, I went to college and obtained my bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore in 2012.
I currently reside in Parkville, MD. I attend UBalt, and I will receive my master’s degree in human services administration in 2018. I plan to continue to serve as an advocate for unaccompanied homeless youth in Baltimore City.