What happens when you call the Student Assistance Program (SAP)?
The SAP provides you with free, confidential, accessible support to manage life's challenges and stay healthy, safe and successful while at UBalt.
When you call the SAP:
- You will be immediately connected with a Student Care Coordinator, who is a Master's Level Clinician.
- The Student Care Coordinator will assess your needs, screen for emergencies and provide in the moment support.
- Following the needs assessment, the Student Care Coordinator will work with you to create a plan for support and resolution.
- The Student Care Coordinator will assist you by connecting you to available resources through UBalt, the community or your health insurance plan.
- Regardless, of your need, your Student Care Coordinator will follow-up with you for the duration of your case. Keep your Student Care Coordinator's contact information handy and call them anytime you have questions or if you need any additional support.
To Contact the Student Assistance Program:
Online Portal: You.UBalt.edu
For more information visit www.ubalt.edu/StudentAssistance