CNCM Course Descriptions
Students explore the causes, costs, dynamics, and potential remedies to violent and structural conflict in the international system. The course addresses these issues from a broad range of social science vantage points, including the fields of international relations, sociology, anthropology, economics, law, and conflict management. Experiential learning will include student simulations of international conflict negotiations. Prerequiste: None. [SOSC] [GIK] [QQT] [SBS]
CNCM 297 SPECIAL TOPICS IN NEGOTIATIONS AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT (3)Exploration of topics in negotiations and conflict management. Content varies depending upon the interests of faculty and students. Course may be repeated when topic changes. Prerequisite: Depends on course topic and level of difficulty.
CNCM 340 COMMUNITY CONFLICT: CAUSES, SOURCES, SOLUTIONS (3)Understanding and addressing conflict is critical to community success. This course will study the nature of social conflict, from interpersonal to community-wide. Students will consider sources of conflict; ways in which conflicts develop, escalate, and deescalate: conflict styles, strategies, and tactics; and options for managing conflict. This course will also have an experiential component which will allow students to develop their own conflict management skills. Prerequiste: None
CNCM 440 TERRORISM, COUNTERTERRORISM AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT (3)This course provides an introduction to current scholarship on terrorism and counterterrorism. Students will explore cutting edge debates that highlight the need for sophisticated conflict analysis in the post 9-11 world. Readings, research, reports, films, discussion and debate, case studies, simulations and other class exercises will all be used to help students better understand the concept and origins of terrorism, explore similarities and differences in the way terrorists and counterterrorists organize and strategize, approach the problem of securing support, engage in conflict and, in some cases, resolve their conflicts. Prerequisites: None
CNCM 497 SPECIAL TOPICS IN CONFLICT MANAGEMENT (3)Topics cover a broad overview of the conflict managment field. Their primary emphasis is the study conflict and its management - from conflict behaviors to conflict intervention techniques. Students read about and discuss social conflict in a number of settings, ranging from interpersonal to international conflict.
CNCM 504 THE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT PROFESSION (3)Explores the diverse activities, roles and tasks of those who work in the conflict management profession. Introduces reflective practice to assist individuals, families, neighborhoods, organizations, regulatory bodies, and social and ethnic groups to take constructive steps toward managing, resolving or transforming conflict situations. Students start understanding and exploring where and how they would like to connect with conflict management as a profession.
CNCM 506 UNDERSTANDING AND ASSESSING CONFLICT (3)Introduces theories of conflict and different perspectives used to understand and assess conflict. Various views of conflict, conflict escalation and resolution are studied, utilizing insights from a range of disciplines including psychology, sociology, communications, cultural studies and law.
CNCM 508 APPROACHES TO MANAGING CONFLICT/METHODS OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION (3)Introduces various approaches to managing conflict and explores the differences among approaches based on domination, compromise and integration. Covers various methods of dispute resolution, including litigation, negotiation, mediation and arbitration.
CNCM 513 NEGOTIATIONS:THEORY AND PRACTICE (3)Introduces the theory and practice of negotiations and explores various models of negotiation and bargaining, highlighting similarities and differences in the models and methods of negotiation. Covers various stages of negotiation, from pre-negotiation to negotiation proper to post-settlement negotiation, and emphasizes the development of skills through the use of role plays to enable the student to apply theory to cases.
CNCM 515 MEDIATION:THEORY AND PRACTICE (3)Introduces the theory and practice of mediation and explores various models of the mediation process as well as diverging views concerning the role of the mediator. Key issues include neutrality and bias on the part of the mediator, confidentiality, codes of ethics for mediators and the current status of legislation concerning the qualifications and licensing of mediators. Students develop and practice mediation skills by acting as mediators in various scenarios that illustrate the process of mediation.
CNCM 519 ADVANCED MEDIATION SKILLS (3)Provides students with the opportunity to develop the advanced skills necessary to function as a mediator in the context of a particular model of mediation. prerequisite: CNCM 515 highly recommended
CNCM 620 SPECIAL TOPICS: (3)Explores topics in the field of negotiations and conflict management. Topics vary according to student interest and faculty member specialization. Course may be repeated for credit when topic differs. prerequisites (if any): to be determined by instructor
CNCM 630 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1 - 3)Research project related to studies in Negotiations and Conflict Management. Topics will vary based on individual student interest. Course may be repeated with permission of program director. Students should develop a proposal outlining their chosen topic for review by instructor of record and program director. Prerequisite: Permission of program director. Credit Hours: Variable (1-3).
CNCM 710 TERRORISM & COUNTERTERRORISM (3)Provides an introduction to current scholarship on terrorism and counterterrorism. Students explore cutting-edge debates that highlight the need for sophisticated conflict analysis in the post-Sept. 11 world. Readings, research, reports, films, discussion and debate, case studies, simulations and other class exercises are used to help students better understand the concept and origins of terrorism, explore similarities and differences in the way terrorists and counterterrorists organize and strategize, approach the problem of securing support, address conflict and, in some cases, resolve their conflicts. prerequisite:none
CNCM 730 ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (3)Examines the nature of conflict as it occurs in organizations, how conflict can function both destructively and constructively in that context, and the history of how conflict has traditionally been viewed and managed in organizational contexts. Also considers the theory underlying the creation of integrated conflict management systems in organizations, the nature of such systems and how they are developed, designed and evaluated.
CNCM 740 ETHNIC & CULTURAL FACTORS OF CONFLICT (3)Explores the roles played by ethnicity, race, religion and culture in the generation, resolution and conduct of conflicts within and between groups. Examines physical and symbolic markers of difference to understand both why groups differentiate themselves from one another and how mechanisms such as skin color, religious affiliation, ethnic background or cultural traditions can provide the grist for conflict or the grease that promotes resolution. Primary analysis is based on the examination of cases relevant to the different issues underlying these conflicts. prerequisite: CNCM 506 or permission of instructor
CNCM 750 RESEARCH METHODS (3)Introduces various methods of research in the social sciences, law and the humanities that students will encounter in the field of conflict studies. Also enables students to utilize a variety of systems of citation and reference.
CNCM 790 INTERNSHIP (3)Gives students a clinical, hands-on experience to support both their classroom learning and their career goals. Provides the opportunity to use and further develop applied conflict management skills, apply theory and research skills to the practice environment and network with conflict management professionals. Eligible for continuing studies (CS) grade; otherwise grading is pass/fail. prerequisite: completion of a minimum of 30 credits required for degree program
CNCM 798 CAPSTONE SEMINAR (3)A highly interactive seminar that guides students in completing their capstone research projects and in showcasing their research to the program community and beyond. Students will prepare an analytical research paper that integrates learning from the program courses, internship experiences, and other activities pertinent to their chosen research focus and unique interests in the program. Eligible for continuing studies (CS) grade; otherwise, grading is pass/fail.
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