PPIA Course Descriptions
This course is the basic American government course required of all government and Public Policy majors. This is an introduction to American ideology, government, and politics. The course also serves as a basic social science course available as a general elective for all undergraduate majors. Prerequisite: None. [GIK] [QQT] [SBS]
PPIA 210 INTRO TO GLOBAL AFFAIRS (3)Introduces concepts within international studies. Students learn how history, geography, culture, politics and economics affect the approach taken by various actors in international relations. Through critical analysis, this course examines the role world politics plays in a variety of global issues and challenges. [QQT] [SBS] [GD]
PPIA 279 SPECIAL TOPICS IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (3)Exploration of topics in international affairs. Content varies depending upon the interests of faculty and students and may include studies in comparative or regional politics, international or global issues, or issues in foreign policy. Course may be repeated when topic changes. Prerequisite: Depends on course topic and level of difficulty.
PPIA 284 POLITICS IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE (3)Politics in Comparative Perspective is designed to introduce students to the study of politics and Political Science. The course covers basic concepts in Comparative Politics including ideologies, political behavior, and political institutions. These concepts are used to explore the political experiences of representative countries from the Westem Democratic, Transitional, and Developing worlds. Coverage is also given to the impact of globalization on selected countries. Specific countries covered will vary with instructor. Prerequisites: None [GIK] [QQT] [SBS]
PPIA 297 TOPICS IN POLITICS AND POLICY (1 - 3)Exploration of topics in politics and policy. The actual topic of the course will appear in the schedule of classes. Prerequisite; depends on course topic and level of difficulty.
PPIA 300 AMERICAN POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS (3)The role and interrelationship of the federal, state, and local governments in the formulation and implementation of public policy are examined. Major contemporary issues are explored to illustrate the policy making process. The specific policy issues studied vary from semester to semester.
PPIA 315 PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS (3)Students will gain a foundation in policy analysis -the process of creating, critically assessing and communicating information to determine which of various policy alternatives will best achieve agiven goal(s) within the American policy arena. Students will understand the policy process and analysis by: Defining, assessing, and describing public problems; Identifying policy goals and criteria to assess possible strategies; Crafting appropriate policy options by borrowing, adapting, and creating; Analyzing and predicting the effects of alternative policy options; and Communicating policy advice in written and oral presentations. Prerequisites: None.
PPIA 320 INTRO TO PUBLIC SERVICE (3)The problems of municipal, state, and federal governments as these relate to organization, budgeting, personnel, welfare, control, reporting, public relations, federal-state-local relations, the city government in society, and the division of state and federal powers.
PPIA 321 LEADERSHIP (3)Leadership is critical in the delivery of government services and in maintaining our democracy. This course will actively engage students in theories, traits, concepts and behaviors of leadership. Students will learn tasks, skills, and profession competencies to become effective leaders in government and non-profit organizations.
PPIA 322 BUREAUCRACY AND PUBLIC POLICY (3)An understanding of the institutional political, legal, and ethical challenges of public policy management in the contemporary administrative state
PPIA 324 AMERICAN PUBLIC POLICY (3)Analysis of the formulation and implementation of governmental policies at all levels in such policy areas as art and cultural policy, economic stability, income maintenance, education, the environment, public finance, and older adult policy. Prerequisite: GVPP 300 or permission of instructor.
PPIA 326 URBAN POLITICS AND PUBLIC POLICY (3)An examination of the organization and main functions of urban government, the major participants and key issues in the urban political process, and the political relationship between cities and other levels of government. The distinctive characteristics of the political process in the urban setting with special emphasis on Baltimore.
PPIA 340 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW (3)The role of the Constitution in the American system of government. Origins and historical development of the Constitution, the theory and operation of the federal court, and the effects of Supreme Court decisions on the relationship between different branches of government and on the rights of individuals in American society.
PPIA 341 CIVIL LIBERTIES AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS (3)An advanced course about constitutional law that focuses on the Bill of Rights and issues of civil liberties that have arisen as the Supreme Court has changed its interpretation of the Constitutional basis of decisions related to those rights. The course stresses legal reasoning and research skills; it also provides information about Constitutional issues in relation to American governmental processes and policies. Suggested prerequisite: GVPP 340.
PPIA 344 AMERICAN PRESIDENCY (3)An examination of the presidency in the American system of government. The powers of and limits on the president are studied as are the relationships between the president and other major actors in the political system.
PPIA 345 THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS (3)An examination of legislatures in the American system of government. Emphasis is placed on the study of the representative function of legislatures, of the ways in which they operate, and their impact on public policy.
PPIA 348 STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (3)Emphasis on the organization, powers, and functions of state, local, county, and municipal governments. Government in theory and practice at different levels in the state of Maryland.
PPIA 360 PARTIES, CAMPAIGNS, AND ELECTIONS (3)A study of the rise, history, and functions of political parties in the United States. Campaign management and strategies as well as electoral tactics and movements are also examined.
PPIA 362 MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT (3)A study of relationships among governments, public opinion, and the media. Analysis of the components of public opinion and their individual and collective influence on government. The functioning of the media and their influence on both government and public opinion.
PPIA 381 AMERICAN POL ITICAL THOUGHT (3)A study of the political thought in the United States that has provided the foundations of American democracy from colonial times to the present, focusing on political concepts, principles, ideas, and issues.
PPIA 382 POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES (3)Focuses on the philosophical and ideological bases for the state. The political economy and social structure of governing ideologies are examined and illustrated in discussions about democracy, capitalism, liberalism, fascism, communism, and socialism. Challenges to these ideologies as presented by religion and nationalism are also discussed.
PPIA 384 COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT (3)An examination of the historical and social background, political process, governments, and institutions of representative foreign governments, including Great Britain, France, and Germany. The identification, comparison, and evaluation of the main components and characteristics of the governing process are examined
PPIA 385 THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (3)A survey course of global events and processes. This course covers issues of war and peace, arms and armaments, international governmental and non-governmental organizations, the politics of global economic relations both amongst nations of the developed north and between northern and southern states. Humanitarian and environmental issues will also be covered. Emerging trends in globalization, terrorism, and ethnic conflict will be considered. prerequisites: PPIA 210 or CNCM 102.
PPIA 386 AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY (3)An examination of the political, economic, and military considerations involved in the formulation and implementation of United States foreign policy. Included are the constitutional responsibilities for foreign policy, the economic context, military doctrine and the country’s traditional international relationships.
PPIA 408 METHODS IN GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC POLICY (3)Focuses on research and analytical techniques, statistical measurement, and methods of science used in the study of governmental organizations, elections, political behavior, and policy analysis. [IL]
PPIA 410 DIVERSITY IN PUBLIC SERVICE (3)Addresses the demographic dimensions of diversity including race, ethnicity, sex, disability, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and transsexual in public service. Provides a theoretical as well as a historical framework for understanding contemporary prejudice and discrimination. Representative bureaucracy, critical race theory, and intersectionality are described. Explores ongoing disparities in America, and its impact in education, employment, health, wealth, and incarceration. [GD]
PPIA 423 PUBLIC BUDGETING AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3)Focuses on budgeting and personnel administration at the national, state and local government levels. Examined are the form, content, and processes of public budget development, and its review, execution, and management; also examined are the principles and functions of public personnel management, salary, schedules, unions, performance evaluation, and retirement. Prerequisite: PPIA 320 or permission of the instructor.
PPIA 425 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND PROCESSES (3)The growth of the administrative process in the United States, the necessity for the delegation of legislative authority to administrative agencies, and the need for judicial control of the bureaucracy. Emphasis on federal, as well as State of Maryland, administrative and regulatory processes.
PPIA 426 FOUNDATIONS OF DEMOCRACY I (3)This course examines the scope and nature of the fundamental values that are reflected in our system of democratic governance. Democracy joins individual citizens, neighbors and communities. Acting together they form the essence of an associational life-- that is to say, a life lived with reciprocal linkages to the well-being of others and to the common good. Particular attention will be placed on the decision making and organizational design systems that characterize our social, political and economic institutions, as well as community-serving nonprofits.
PPIA 461 MARYLAND GOVERNMENT PROCESSES AND POLITICS (3)A study of the structure of Maryland’s three branches of government and their relationship to interest groups, political parties, and public policies.
PPIA 463 INTEREST GROUP POLITICS AND LOBBYING (3)Examined within this course are interest groups as key components in the functioning of a pluralistic political system. The proliferation of interests from trade associations to the public, nonprofit interests will be documented. Also explored are the techniques of lobbying.
PPIA 470 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH (1 - 3)Individual research on a subject of mutual interest to both student and supervisory faculty. Depending on the scope and depth of research, from one to three credits may be earned for the successful completion of this course. The student may, upon approval, take up to two such courses. Prerequisite: A minimum of 12 credit hours in political science courses earned at the University of Baltimore and approval of the program director. This course may be taken for a continuing studies (CS) grade.
PPIA 471 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH (1 - 3)Individual research on a subject of mutual interest to both student and supervisory faculty. Depending on the scope and depth of research, from one to three credits may be earned for the successful completion of this course. The student may, upon approval, take up to two such courses. Prerequisite: A minimum of 12 credit hours in political science courses earned at the University of Baltimore and approval of the program director. This course may be taken for a continuing studies (CS) grade.
PPIA 479 SPECIAL TOPICS IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (3)Selected topics in International Relations and/or Comparative Politics of mutual interest to faculty and students are examined in depth. Content varies according to the concurrent interests of faculty and students. The topic for study will appear under that name in the Schedule of Classes. Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes. Prerequisites: None
PPIA 480 ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS AND POLICY (3)Environmental politics and policy focuses on the process of public decision making as it relates to national and global environmental issues. The course will address policy making institutions and political behavior and how these have shaped American responses to such issues as clean air and water, energy use, and natural resource consumption, among others. The course will explore how agencies use risk assessment and other decision tools to establish regulatory objectives and how tax, regulatory and other policy tools are used to mange the environment. Prerequisites: None
PPIA 481 GLOBALIZATION (3)This course is an examination of the rapid global changes shaping society. Students examine the social, economic, and political effects of a more connected world. Transnational problems requiring transnational solutions are presented as an integral part of 21st century global connectivity and affect how actors view national identities, economies, and public policy. Prerequisites: none
PPIA 482 TOPICS IN POLITICAL THEORY (3)Selected political theory examines perennial issues in political thought within the frameworks of classical, medieval, renaissance, enlightenment, and modern political theory. Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes.
PPIA 484 INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY (3)Examination of the rapid changes in the postwar system of trade, production and finance. Students are exposed to discussions concerning the impact that these changes have presented to national identities and the public policy responses undertaken by states to maintain and enhance their position in the global trading system
PPIA 485 THE FAR EAST IN WORLD AFFAIRS (3)Political, economic, and military aspects of India, Japan and Southeast Asia. Emphasis upon their contemporary foreign relations.
PPIA 486 THE MIDDLE EAST (3)Political, economic, and military aspects of Turkey, Iran, Egypt, and the other Arab states, Israel, and the eastern Mediterranean. Emphasis on foreign relations. The interrelationship of these powers and their relationships with Western European powers, Russia, the People’s Republic of China, and the United States.
PPIA 487 WESTERN EUROPE (3)Political, economic, and military aspects of Austria, the Benelux countries, France, Italy, and Germany. Emphasis upon their contemporary foreign relations
PPIA 488 THE COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES & CHINA IN WORLD AFFAIRS (3)International relations of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the People’s Republic of China. An example of the political, economic, and military considerations of these two countries in the conduct of their relationships.
PPIA 489 GLOBAL GOVERNANCE (3)Explores the role of international organizations, regimes, states, and non-state actors in global governance. In an increasingly globalized world where conflict, disease, financial crises, migration, and climate change cannot be solely addressed by individual states alone, cooperation and concerted efforts are necessary to address current transnational challenges. As such, this course addresses the important role global governance structures and agents, both in their informal and formal settings, play in coordinating responses to challenges faced in our current global environment.
PPIA 490 INTERNSHIP (3)Internship designed to broaden the educational experience of the student through work assignments with appropriate governmental agencies. Depending upon the academic value of the work assignments, the student may enroll for up to a total of six credits in this internship. Prerequisites: major in government and public policy or jurisprudence, minimum of 12 credits completed in PPIA courses with a GPA of at least 3.0, and approval of the program director. This course may be taken for a continuing studies (CS) grade.
PPIA 491 INTERNSHIP II (3)Internship designed to broaden the educational experience of the student through work assignments with appropriate governmental agencies. Depending upon the academic value of the work assignments, the student may enroll for up to a total of six credits in this internship. Prerequisites: major in government and public policy or jurisprudence, minimum of 12 credits completed in PPIA courses with a GPA of at least 3.0, and approval of the program director. This course may be taken for a continuing studies (CS) grade.
PPIA 493 HONORS SEMINAR (3)An advanced interdisciplinary seminar that focuses on important books and issues, encourages independent thinking, clear presentation, and an understanding of the concerns and methods of various disciplines. The course may be team taught; topic and instructor(s) may change from semester to semester. Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes. Prerequisites: 3.3 GPA and permission of the Honors Director.
PPIA 494 HONORS PROJECT (3 - 6)Directed individual instruction in an advanced project of the student’s choice; the project must be academically related to this discipline. Each student works closely with a faculty director who guides his/her progress. The project must be of honors quality and must be finally approved by both the faculty director and a second faculty member. Course is eligible for a continuing studies grade. prerequisites: 3.3 GPA and permission of both the Denit Honors Program director and the faculty director.
PPIA 497 TOPICS IN GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC POLICY (3)Intensive exploration of topics in political science of mutual interest to faculty and students. Content varies according to the concurrent interests of faculty and students. The topic for study will appear under that name in the Class Schedule.
PPIA 499 CAPSTONE IN PUBLIC SERVICE (3)A senior-level seminar required of all government and public policy majors. Topics considered include the perspectives of the major sub-fields of government and public policy and their relations with other disciplines. Students demonstrate their abilities to analyze, assess, and write about relevant issues and practices in government and public administration. Open to non-government and public policy majors only by permission of the instructor. [CAP]
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