Turner Research and Travel Awards for AY 2024-2025
We are pleased to announce the availability of funds to support student research related to academic work at the University of Baltimore. Undergraduate, graduate, full-time, and part-time students from all colleges of the university are invited to apply. Special consideration will be given to students in honors programs. Funds may be requested to support specialized study and learning programs (non-credit bearing programs), as well as virtual experiences and conferences. Funds may also be requested to support materials and equipment needed to conduct research. Preference will be given to applicants with a GPA of 3.15 or higher, but all applicants will be considered.
Fall 2024: Consistent with the University's response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Research Council is now accepting applications for domestic and international travel. Priority is given to those presenting at a conference or attending a workshop. We will continue to accept applications for materials, equipment and other research expenses other than travel. Students may also apply for registration fees to virtual and in person conferences and learning programs (non-credit).
Award Information:
We will provide awards up to $1,500 for domestic travel, equipment and materials for research or virtual program registration fees. We anticipate making 15-20 awards during each academic year. Students are eligible to receive one (1) Turner research and travel award per academic year.
Application Process:
The deadline for submission for this fall semester: Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
We welcome applications from individual students as well as groups. However, if you are included on a group proposal, you are not eligible for an individual award for the same activity. Applications to support travel costs for UBalt Global Field Studies programs will not be considered. Group applications may receive less per person than the individual award limit depending upon the availability of funds and the number of requests received.
Please download and complete the application. A letter of recommendation from the UBalt faculty sponsor is required, and up to two additional letters of reference may be included.
*Please note that students who are awarded funds may be required to pay some or all of their expenses up front and request reimbursement from the University upon return from their research experience. If the award reimbursement process creates an economic hardship, awardees should contact the Research Council prior to their trip.*
Successful applicants must submit a report of their activity within sixty days of the project’s completion to the Council on Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity and may be asked to make a scholarly presentation to the UBalt community on the results of their activities. Participation in Inspired Discoveries: UBalt’s Undergraduate Symposium for Research and Creative Works is strongly encouraged for undergraduate recipients and in UB's Red Talks for graduate student recipients
**Please note the Council will not support fraudulent or otherwise academically questionable, profit generating, or “predatory” conferences. Make sure to consult with your faculty member when selecting a conference in your academic area to verify that the conference you plan to attend is a legitimate academic conference.**
Instructions for student applicants:
- Download the application form (including budget worksheet).
- Complete the application, including the information on the budget worksheet, and submit it to researchcouncil@ubalt.edu no later than midnight on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Please make sure to include your student ID information.
- Review your application, including your conference selection, with your faculty advisor and facilitate a letter of recommendation for the proposed activity.
Instructions for Faculty:
- Review the merits of the proposed activity with your student
- Submit a letter of recommendation to researchcouncil@ubalt.edu.
Include in the subject line “[Your student’s last name] – Letter of Recommendation”
For any questions, please email researchcouncil@ubalt.edu.