Study Abroad 101: Getting a Beefeater to Smile
Category: Advancement

photo courtesy of Erin Jamison
Textbooks get you only so far. To really understand international government and politics, you have to make the trek to experience them firsthand.
UB’s Comparative Issues in Criminal Justice course took undergraduate and graduate students to England, the Netherlands and Belgium this summer for a whirlwind, nine-day tour of political and criminal justice systems in those countries.
They saw where things go quiet inside NATO and EU headquarters in bustling Brussels. They heard from experts at The Hague’s international courts, where some of humanity’s worst offenders have stood trial. And they met with law enforcement officials in London to discuss police protocol in England.
The UB Foundation’s Fund for Excellence provided competitive scholarships to participating students with a minimum 3.3 GPA to help defray the cost of the trip.
So thank you for putting the international into our government and politics course. ... and for the chance to get a grin out of a Beefeater.
Want to support UB students’ next adventure (and more) through the Fund for Excellence? Make a contribution. For more information, contact the Office of Annual Giving at 410.837.6271 or via email.