TAKE FIVE with Michelle Richardson, B.S. '15
Corporate Communication
Assistant Assignment Editor, WJZ Channel 13
8:00 AM
As an Assignment Editor at WJZ, first order of business is checking last night's emails, and making "rounds" (calling fire, police, to see if there is any overnight news.)
10:00 AM
Reporters are rolling in and since I am one of many that decide on what stories they will cover for the day, their first stop is to the Assignment Desk. Here I am giving Rick Ritter his assignment for the day.
10:30 AM
It's a special day! Election Day 2016! And as the media, we have our hands FULL! Here is my election packet that will tell me where my camera crews are headed, what equipment they need to take and what Reporter they are with. Whew!
7:30 PM
I was chosen to be an Election Night Reporter for the Associated Press (huge deal) so here I am at the Baltimore City Board of Elections stuffing my face before I have to report.
9:00 PM
Took forever for the first numbers to come in after the polls closed. Here I am going over the first set of numbers to give them to the public.