OTS offers the following print options for faculty/staff.
Local Printer (On campus)
- Open the document that you want to print
- When you go to print a document make sure that the printer that you are printing to is selected
- If the printer is not selected click on the drop down options to see if the printer is listed
- If the printer is not listed on the drop down list please call the OTS Call Center at 410-837-6262
Network/Department Printer (On Campus and remote)
When using your laptop on campus you can print to your departmental printer via docking station, using a desktop computer, or for home use logging into Pulse Secure first then printing.
- Check with the OTS call center to see if your departmental printer was already set up for WIFI.
- OTS will need the name of the printer and the department using the printer.
- Once the printer has been added and printing is activated on the device, use the Local printing directions.
*OTS requires one person to contact them to add your departmental printer to your device
ePrint (On campus and remote)
To print jobs using ePrint you have a few options:
- Email or upload files then release them to print
This method is a two step process. You logon to ePrint to upload your files for printing or you can email the files. After sending the files to ePrint, you logon to release the jobs.
Step 1: Upload or Email
Upload Files to Print through the Web
- Logon to ePrint.ubalt.edu using your UBalt netID and password.
- In the Upload Document to Print section, click the Browse or Choose File button.
- Click to where your file is stored and select it.
- Click the Next button.
- Logon to eprint.ubalt.edu using your UBalt netID and password.
Step 2: Release Files to Print
After you uploaded or emailed the files to print, your last step is to logon and release the files for printing. Files listed as “awaiting release” are available to print. If you see another status such as “processing,” the file is not yet ready to print.
- Logon to eprint.ubalt.edu using your UBalt netID and password.
All files sent to ePrint will be listed on the main screen.
- Under the file name that you want to print, click the drop down menu and select the printer you want to use.
- Optional: You can click the Print Options button if you want to print multiple copies, print a range of pages, and/or print double-sided.
- Click Print.
List of ePrint Printers
Please make sure that you are printing to correct departmental printer and not a personal office printer.
Supported Filetypes
- Microsoft Office
- OpenOffice
ePrint Tips
- To print a webpage, copy and paste the web address (ex: https://www.ubalt.edu) of a webpage into the tab marked Web Print
- If using the ePrint main page for several transactions, periodically click on “refresh” on the right hand side of the screen and monitor the processing of the various files
- Use the “My Printers” tab to manage your favorite printers
- If you want to set your favorite printers to be the ones available when you release a job, select your favorite printers or those you use most often by selecting the check box, then click Save Changes.
- Assign an alias to your favorite printer and press Save Changes.