Jeremy Rosendale, B.A. '06
Director of Member Engagement and External Affairs, Greater Baltimore Committee
March 3, 2020

The Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) is one of the region’s premier organizations of business and civic leaders. GBC recently welcomed UBalt alumnus, and proud Baltimorean, Jeremy Rosendale, B.A. ’06, as their new Director of Member Engagement and External Affairs.
With nearly twenty five years’ experience in government and politics, business and nonprofit sectors, Jeremy’s new position aligns nicely with his expertise.
“I will be working with our more than 500 members to ensure they are fully engaged in all of the programmatic events and policy work that GBC uniquely provides,” Jeremy said. “The external affairs portion of my role has me out and about in the community engaging current and prospective members, maintaining the close relationships GBC has fostered over its 65 years of existence.”
When asked about a typical work week, Jeremy shared that his duties truly vary, but the common denominator each week is “busy!” On any given day, he is working closely with GBC’s President and CEO, Don Fry, J.D.’80, and his colleagues to provide unique opportunities and offerings for members.
“You can also find me at events hosted by the Baltimore Business Journal, The Daily Record, and various nonprofit organizations throughout the region. Also The Center Club, a wonderful place to engage with a diverse group of business and community leaders. And if you can’t find me at any of the aforementioned locales, you’d probably spot me enjoying a good cocktail at any of the Atlas Restaurant Group restaurants or the Capital Grille!”
Jeremy began his career working for then Delegate, now Senator, Kathy Klausmeier. He later went on to work for Harford County Executive and gubernatorial candidate, Eileen Rehrmann, which took him to each corner of Baltimore and the state.
In his own words: “UB was the perfect place for me as a ‘government and politics guy’. The professors and students were not just academics—they were political, business, and legal leaders. I had a professor who was also Secretary of State, but I will always refer to him as Professor John Willis. I also had (former) City Councilman Bill Cole. Later in my career, I returned to UBalt to help him teach a class. All of this provided invaluable experiences and knowledge you can’t just get from a text book.”
Jeremy’s advice for current and prospective students is to stand out in terms of dedication and willingness to work hard: “I’ve have had nine jobs since I first went to work for Delegate Klausmeier in 1995. And, I’ve networked my way into all of them, except one. If nothing else, remember this golden rule: be polite, be kind, be friendly, and most importantly, follow-up!”