Managing Innovation and Strategy
Claire Cianos, MBA '24, is the co-founder of Napp, an app designed to help families find on-demand childcare. Navigating Napp’s growth, she enrolled in The University of Baltimore's MBA program and found academic support she could pour into her business strategy.
Interfacing with External Stakeholders
Dr. Praneet Randhawa is an associate professor and J. William Middendorf Distinguished Professor for The University of Baltimore’s Merrick School of Business. Her research centers on understanding customer and managerial issues in services marketing, innovation and new product development. She teaches marketing strategy and management, and consumer behavior courses.
Leveraging Technology and Business Intelligence
Robert Myers, MBA '23, is director of strategy and planning program management for a cybersecurity company in San Francisco. He decided to pursue an MBA at The University of Baltimore to maximize his potential and grow into an executive leadership role. During his academic tenure, he earned three promotions, took a global field study course in Thailand, won an “Aspiring Business Ventures” award in a business pitch competition and was still able to balance his degree pursuit with his family life. .
Managing the Value Chain
Chelsey Eggleston, MBA '21, took evening business classes at The University of Baltimore while balancing work as a substitute math teacher. Now she's a location planning analyst for a large off-price retailer. The knowledge she gained from her data analytics, operations management, and leadership courses serve her daily in her company’s planning department where she must analyze data of sales items per region to build plans to support future seasons product demands.
Managing Performance and Risk
Dr. Kevin Wynne, is an associate professor of management in The University of Baltimore's Merrick School of Business. He teaches courses on organizational behavior, leadership and human relations, and how the future of business, including the growth of AI, will change how we work. He focuses his research on workplace phenomena, including employee well-being and work-life balance.
Leading and Managing People
Anderson Lattimore decided to pursue an MBA to elevate his understanding of the inner workings of a business and rise in his field. Looking into graduate school more than two decades after earning his bachelor’s degree, and after receiving support from his family and mentor, Anderson decided to start with UBalt’s Business Fundamentals graduate certificate. He was able to build the foundational knowledge he needed to thrive in the master’s program before starting as a part-time MBA student.