Specialization in Real Estate and Economic Development
The specialization in real estate prepares students for career in real estate and connects theory and industry practice Students will study the many factors involved in property assessment and sales, how they change and how these changes affect the real estate industry and economy. Study includes: property taxation, zoning, land-use planning, environmental protection, urban redevelopment and government-assisted financing programs.
- Download the program requirements for this specialization.
Degree Requirements
A minimum of 38 General Education credits are required. Non-Business General Education credits are indicated below. Business Core Requirements satisfy an additional 15 credits hours of General Education. Course No. Title Credits IDIS 101 First-Year Seminar: Introduction to University Learning
(Only for UBalt Freshman)3 INFO 110 Introduction to University Learning
(Only for UBalt Freshman)3 Arts and Humanities 3 Arts and Humanities
(Must be from a different discipline)3 Social and Behaviorial Sciences
(Other than Econ)3 Biological and Physical Sciences
3 Biological and Physical Sciences
(with a lab)
3-4 WRIT 101 English Composition 3 IDIS 302 Upper-Division Ethics 3 WRIT 300 Upper-Division Writing
(Placement Test required)3 -
Lower-Division Business Requirements (24 Credits)
All students in the BSBA program take these Lower-Division Business Required Core Courses. Course No. Title Credits ACCT 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3 ACCT 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Prerequisite: ACCT 201 or equivalent with a minimum grade of C.3 BULA 151 Business Law I 3 CMAT 201
- or-
CMAT 303Oral Communications
Laboratory fee required.3 ECON 200 The Economic Way of Thinking 3 MATH 111 College Algebra 3 MATH 115
Introductory Statistics 3 OPRE 202 Statistical Data Analysis
Prerequisites: OPRE 201 and basic computer skills.3 -
Upper-Division Business Requirements (31 Credits)
All students in the BSBA program take these Upper-Division Business Required Core Courses. Course No. Title Credits ECON 308 Money and Banking 3 FIN 330 Excel for Financial Analysis 3 FIN 331 Financial Management
Prerequisites: ACCT 201, ECON 200 or 3 hours of micro- or macroeconomics, and MATH 115.3 INSS 300 Management Information Systems 3 MGMT 301 Management and Organizational Behavior
Prerequisite: WRIT 300
3 MGMT 302 Global Business Environment 3 MGMT 315 Human Resource Management
Prerequisite: MATH 1153 MGMT 330 Personal and Professional Skills for Business
There is a lab fee associated with this course.
1 MKTG 301 Marketing Management 3 OPRE 315 Business Application of Decision Science
Prerequisite: MATH 111 and Math 1153 MGMT 475 Strategic Management
Prerequisites: all business upper-division core courses / Merrick School of Business student or permission of the instructor.3
Required Courses for the Real Estate Specialization (9 credits)
Complete all courses. Course No. Title Credits REED 312 Real Estate Principles and Transactions 3 REED 315 Real Property Law 3 FIN 471 Real Estate Finance
(Capstone Course)
3 -
Electives for the Real Estate Specialization (6 credits)
Choose one of the following: Course No. Title Credits ECON 312
Development and Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Economic Development 3 ENTR 300
Development and Entrepreneurship
The Entrepreneurial Experience 3 REED 475
Development and Entrepreneurship / Finance and Investment
Real Estate Market Analysis 3 REED 480
Property Management and Brokerage
Property Management 3 HSER 330
Property Management and Brokerage
Human Services Delivery Systems and Diversity 3 FIN 470
Finance and Investment
Real Estate Investments 3 MKTG 430
Property Management and Brokerage
Personal Selling 3 RMGT 301
Finance and Investment/ Property Management and Brokerage
Managing Property and Casualty Risk 3 REED 495
All tracks
Internship in Real Estate and Economic Development 3 REED 497
All tracks
Special Topics in Real Estate 3
Real Estate students have access to the most up-to-date industry computer software.
ARGUS: The industry’s most used valuation and cash flow analytic program. Argus derives profit and loss statements and cash flow set-ups. The program can also derive values and returns. Students who learn ARGUS at the Merrick School of Business have a significant advantage when they graduate. This tool is used in investing and finance firms, as well as commercial marketing.
Co-STAR: The listing for all commercial real estate across the United States. Co-star lists rent levels, pass-through costs, available space, and any other information that can be useful to buyers and renters. The School of Business has the listings for the entire United States. Thus students can compare Baltimore to other cities and areas.