Qualtrics Info:
Online surveys, powered by Qualtrics, help you build, distribute and analyze surveys in a matter of minutes. This tool can be used for everything from simple program evaluations or satisfaction surveys to complex academic research. The easy-to-use software includes libraries of questions to get you started, and you can fully customize the look and feel of any survey. Survey results can be exported quickly in a number of formats, and the software makes it easy to collaborate with others.
- Drag and Drop: build surveys in minutes with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface
- 100+ questions types: customize your survey with standard and specialty questions and embed media within surveys
- Downloadable Data: export your data directly to analysis tools like Excel or SPSS
Who can use Qualtrics
- Staff
- Faculty
- Students: Students are required to have a faculty sponsor for access to Qualtrics
Faculty members wishing to sponsor a students access to Qualtrics should email the Call Center with the student’s name and netid.
How To log in
Click here to get started. This link will take you to a SSO page. An account will be created for you after you authenticate. Students are disabled until a faculty sponsors the student.