Name changes can be submitted to UBalt if you've legally changed your name. Your e-mail address will also change to reflect the new name. Your user ID/netID will not change.
- Contact Records at 410-837-4825 or access the Name Change form on the Forms page.
- Notify the OTS Call Center that you submitted the name change request with the Records office.
- After the Records office updates your name in MyUB/PeopleSoft, OTS will change the e-mail address in the system. The old e-mail address will remain active for 30 days. During that time you should e-mail everyone your new e-mail address.
- Contact Human Resources at 410-837-5410 to initiate a name change.
- Notify OTS Call Center know that you have submitted your name change with HR.
- After HR updates your name in MyUB/PeopleSoft, OTS will change the e-mail address in the system. The old e-mail address will remain active for 30 day. During that time you should e-mail everyone your new e-mail address.