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Converting video or audio tapes to a different format.
Do you have old video or audio you want to maintain for future use? We convert old media to digital formats. We take your older:
- audio cassettes,
- vinyl records,
- VHS videos, and
- 8mm videos
and convert them to appropriate media such as CD, DVD, or to an MP3. We also transfer old materials to .mp4 files, allowing you to make the media available on the web.
Making copies of video or audio media
Copying VHS, 8mm, miniDV, CD and DVD materials are also a service we provide, given they are not copy-protected.
Conversion and duplication services do not include editing. See the pricing section for editing charges.
Copyright Note: If you want to convert or duplicate copyrighted materials, you must sign a copyright release certifying you either hold the copyright to the original material or have obtained the permission of the copyright holder.
Converting Foreign Media
Do you have foreign videotapes that need to be converted to the American video standard, NTSC? We can convert PAL and SECAM, to the American NTSC standard on VHS tape or DVD.
Classroom and Media Services cannot convert DVDs with foreign region codes (i.e. anything other than Region 1), however, we do have a region free DVD player available for on-campus delivery so that our users may play non-region 1 DVDs on campus.
Pricing on these services
The format, length, and editing needs determine the total fees. We will discuss the fees with you before proceeding with the work. The guidelines for our fees are listed below.
- We ask that you provide the blank media. For copies and conversions to DVD, you must supply a DVD-R.
- Please obtain the copyright release before contacting us. Conversions for academic purposed are assumed to be covered under the Fair Use clause of the United States copyright laws. OTS Media Classroom & Services reserves the right to refuse any request for conversion if it is determined that the conversion exceeds what can reasonably be considered "fair use." OTS Classroom and Media Services will NOT convert copyrighted and/or copy-protected material for personal use.
- Single conversions for use on the web for academic purposes will be completed at no cost with a two-week turnaround time, schedule permitting. Users requiring a faster turnaround have the option of paying for rush service, which will be billed at $35/hour for labor on a single item and will be available within two business days, schedule permitting.
- Conversion pricing is based on one two-hour tape or one side of a vinyl record.
- Pricing may be different for a large volume duplication request.
- Turnaround time on conversion and duplications varies. Classroom and Media Services will provide an estimated timeframe. Please expect large volume duplications to take longer. Time sensitive requests will be accommodated, when possible.
Conversion to CD/DVD
$5.00 for 1st copy; $1 for each additional
Conversion to Windows Media Video
$5.00 for 1st copy; $1 for each additional
Foreign Conversion
$5.00 for 1st copy; $1 for each additional