The committee is charged with improving the work lives of all employees and advancing the University's commitment to a culture of civility and equality.
It has two primary functions: to review and assess issues which impact the quality of employment, and to review and make recommendations on policies, programs and services to improve the working lives of employees. The committee is composed of representatives of each governance body. The university's chief human resource officer, or his/her designee, shall serve as an ex officio member.
Aidan Faust, faculty; 410.837.4334vacant, faculty
Carey Miller, staff; 410.837.5915
Cindy Schuster, staff; 410.837.5150
Antonette Joseph, staff alternate; 410.837.4119
vacant, student
vacant, student
Rebecca Spence, ex officio member; 410.837.5746
Mary Maher, ex officio member; 410.837.5392