HSMG Course Descriptions
A basic introduction to classical approaches typically used to describe population health. Emphasizes appropriate summaries and methods of health utilization data display in tables and in graphs. Use of rates, ratios and proportions are addressed. Introduces basic data management, exploratory data analysis and report generation. Students gain hands-on experience in use of computer applications such as spreadsheets, statistical packages and data base management while becoming acquainted with useful health data sources. (Recommended EXCEL workshop) (Required for Cohort 12). [IL]
HSMG 301 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH ECONOMICS (3)This is a survey course of the major topics in health economics. The student should develop an appreciation of the contribution economics makes to the study of health and health policy. Topics to be covered include the demand for health and healthcare, workforce issues, and the organization and financing of the US healthcare system.
HSMG 302 STATISTICS FOR HEALTH MANAGEMENT (3)An introduction to the purposes and practices of statistical analysis in the health management sector. Students evaluate data analysis as presented in health management literature. Students also learn to distinguish between information based upon speculation, intuition and wishful thinking and that based upon systematic analysis of data. prerequisite: none
HSMG 303 HEALTH FINANCE (3)Offer a current approach to the fundamentals of budgeting and financial management with an emphasis on health-care organizations. prerequisites: none
HSMG 370 OVERVIEW OF HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM (3)Provides a systematic overview of the U.S. health services system in order to familiarize the student with various mechanisms through which health services are delivered. Systems approach assists students in studying details of the various topics while maintaining a broad perspective of health care delivery.
HSMG 371 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT I (3)Provides an understanding of the conceptual foundations and practices of management within health services organizations. Presents an overview of the structure, operation and management of health services organizations is presented. Perspectives from organizational theory and general management provide a conceptual basis for understanding and analyzing the practice of management in health service organizations. Uses the case study approach to develop management skills through the analysis of health care industry examples.
HSMG 372 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT II (3)Provides an understanding of the conceptual foundations and practices of management within health services organizations. Perspectives from organizational theory and general management provide a conceptual basis for understanding and analyzing the practice of management in health care organizations. Uses case study approach is used to develop management skills through the analysis of health care industry examples. Examines principles of management in health service organizations, specifically focusing on health professional accreditation, licensure, personnel issues, labor relations and select issues in material handling particular to health services organizations. Prerequisites: HSMG 371.
HSMG 373 HEALTH POLICY AND POLITICS (3)An in-depth study of a number of current policy issues in the American health care system. Particular attention is paid to the roles and powers of non-medical participants, including consumers, planners, administrators, and policy makers. (Prerequisite HSMG 370 & recommended 371 & 372)
HSMG 376 QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR HEALTHCARE MANAGERS (3)Provides quantitative tools and skills that apply to the decision-making and control systems in the practice of health systems management. This is the second of two sequenced courses designed to develop quantitative competencies. This course builds on the first course to develop systems-based spreadsheet modeling competencies that include good spreadsheet modeling practices, forecasting, facility layout, quality control, project management and inventory methods. prerequisite: satisfactory completion of HSMG 302
HSMG 378 INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL HEALTH (3)This course provides an introduction to important global health issues, including health determinants and key areas of disease burden, and the role that new health technologies can play in solving these problems. Students will examine case studies of successful global health interventions to understand features of successful programs. Working in small groups, students will use their knowledge to design a solution to a real world health challenge facing a developing country. Prerequisites: None [GD]
HSMG 379 HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3)This course provides future healthcare managers with an overview of health information systems. Students will gain an understanding the selection and use of information systems and review applications of information technology in healthcare. The course will review the current trends in information technology and describe how information systems can support high-quality patient care. Pre-requisite: None
HSMG 470 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH (3)Individual research on an academically sound project of interest in the health systems management field. Research is to be conducted inconsultation with a monitoring faculty member. prerequisite: permission of the program director.
HSMG 471 SPECIAL TOPICS IN HEALTH SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT (3)This course will cover specific topics, issues and trends in health management. Prerequisite: None
HSMG 472 INTRODUCTION TO QUALITY PERFORMANCE AND IMPROVEMENT IN HEALTHCARE (3)This course offers an introduction to quality improvement and patient safety theories, models, methods and tools and their application to management in health care settings. This course focuses on the application of change processes that are critical to improving health quality by integrating theory and implementation. Specific content areas include the role of systems assessment and measurement as being fundamental to quality improvement. The student will explore the current forces driving the push toward quality outcomes and accountability at all levels and settings of healthcare, while focusing on the philosophy of continuous improvement through team work and collaboration.
HSMG 477 HEALTH CARE LAW AND RISK MANAGEMENT (3)A study of the major legal issues encountered in the health care field by administrators and practitioners. Topics include issues of health care need, cost and quality control, Medicare and Medicaid, access to health care, the business roles of health institutions, health care contracts and claims, right to treatment, and federal health plans vs. private health coverage. (Prerequisite HSMG 370)
HSMG 490 SURVEY RESEARCH AND DATA ANALYSIS FOR HEALTH SVCS ADMINISTRATION (3)This hands-on course provides an overview of typical data analysis methods used in the health services setting, with an emphasis on surveys, including statistical analysis used for health management decision-making. Reviews typical graphical displays of data used in quality assurance programs.Basic PC applications necessary for health managers such as spreadsheets and databases are introduced. Prerequisites: HSMG 302.
HSMG 491 HEALTH PLANNING AND PROGRAM EVALUATION (3)Enriches students' understanding of the complexity of the planning and evaluation processes used by health-care organizations. Covers theoretical and historical foundations of health planning, the relationship between health planning and regulation and the application of planning methods. Also presents various planning and evaluation models and techniques necessary to equip students with practical evaluation and planning skills.
HSMG 492 INTERNSHIP (3)The internship serves as a bridge between theory and practice. Students apply their knowledge and acquire insights into the management of health service organizations. This practicum offers-opportunities for observation, participation, and applying administrative skills in the institutional setting. prerequisites: WRIT 300, HSMG 303, 376, 472, and 477.
HSMG 493 HONORS SEMINAR (3)An ¬advanced interdisciplinary seminar that ¬focuses on important books and issues and encourages independent thinking, clear presentation and an understanding of the concerns and methods of various disciplines. The course may be team taught; topic and instructor(s) may change from semester to semester. Course may be repeated for credit when topic changes. prerequisites: 3.3 GPA and permission of the Denit Honors program director
HSMG 494 HONORS PROJECT (3 - 6)Directed individual instruction in an advanced project of the student’s choice; the project must be academically related to this discipline. Each student works closely with a faculty director who guides his/her progress. The project must be of honors quality and must be finally approved by both the faculty director and a second faculty member. Course is eligible for a CS grade. Prerequisite: Honors standing, a 3.5 gpa. and permission of both the Honors Program Director and the faculty director.
HSMG 498 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH CARE (3)Examines strategic management in health care organizations. Includes discussions of the nature of strategic management, the environment of health organizations and methods of formulating, implementing and controlling the strategic management of health care delivery. (Capstone (Final) course) Prerequisite: Successful completion (C grade or better) of WRIT 300, HSMG 303, 376, 472, and 477. [CAP] [OC]
HSMG 630 THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT (3)Provides a framework for understanding the legal implications of advancing medical technologies and of new forms for health-services financing and delivery systems. Prerequisite: HSMG 750 - Healthcare Delivery Systems.
HSMG 632 QUANTITATIVE TOOLS FOR HEALTH SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT I (3)Provides a broad overview of biostatistical methods, concepts and reasoning as applied to decisions in health systems management. Pre-Req: Certification of intermediate level in Excel; or satisfactory completion of the spreadsheet module offered in the HSMG program at UB.
HSMG 650 QUANTITATIVE TOOLS FOR HEALTH SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT II (3)Provides an operational understanding of quantitative models to support resource allocation decisions. Students develop an understanding of the process of quantitative modeling; learn to identify appropriate and inappropriate applications of techniques such as linear programming, forecasting, decisions analysis, scheduling and inventory control models; develop a conceptual as well as a computational understanding of these models; and critically evaluate a published operations research application. prerequisite: HSMG 632
HSMG 651 SURVEY RESEARCH & DATA ANALYSIS FOR HEALTH ADMINISTRATORS (3)This course is designed to provide hands-on experience using data analytic methods that are typically used in health care settings. The course emphasizes surveys and their application to managerial decisions.
HSMG 660 COMPARATIVE GLOBAL HEALTH AND HUMAN SECURITY (3)Examines the social, economic and political determinants of a nation's health-care infrastructure; variations in national capacities and defacto national priorities; the role(s) played by international organizations and initiatives; how wide and persistent disparities influence human security; and the effects that shocks such as regime change or political upheaval, conflict or widespread human rights violations have on health and human security. In addition to basic sanitation ( potable water and managing human waste), access to medicines is emphasized as a fundamental need. Prerequisite: None
HSMG 691 HEALTH PLANNING & PROGRAM EVALUATION (3)Explains the theoretical and historical foundations of health planning, the relationship between health planning and regulation and the application of planning methods.
HSMG 695 HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT NFORMATION SYSTEMS (3)Provides an extensive overview of information systems in health-care organizations from the perspective of health systems managers.
HSMG 697 PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE, PUBLIC PROGRAMS, AND THE UNINSURED (3)Provides an operational understanding of insurance and alternate payment methods in health care. Includes topics relating to private health insurance, public programs (including Medicare, Medicaid and military healthcare), disparities in health insurance and access to healthcare. This includes the roles of government, employers and individuals in the selection and use of insurance products for health care.
HSMG 698 HEALTH CARE FRAUD AND DETECTION ANALYSIS (3)Designed to familiarize students with the working of major federal health programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program. Identifies patterns of improper and fraudulent payments to providers in these programs, describes the forensic investigative techniques needed to uncover fraudulent financial transactions such as payments, and examines the means to recover payments and to reduce future fraudulent practices. Prerequisites: None.
HSMG 699 HEALTH FINANCE AND ECONOMICS (3)HSMG 699 Health Finance and Economics focuses on the various health insurance and reimbursement methods. Students will learn the logistics of financial statements, cost allocation intricacies of organizational, departmental and service line costing, profit analysis, pricing, budgeting and time value of money. The course will include spreadsheet case studies in accordance with the above concepts. It relies heavily on proficiencies of excel spreadsheet competencies. Conclusively, students will learn the market forces of supply/demand and its applications to healthcare efficiencies and equities. Pre-requisite: HSMG 632.
HSMG 702 SPECIAL ANALYSIS OF HEALTH CARE FRAUD (3)Provides a full understanding of major health-care fraud investigations conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, and the U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division . Students study the structure and operation of the Office of the Inspector General and its annual audit activities related to specific health-care programs as well as relevant reports issued by the General Accountability Office pertaining to health-care program improvements that could mitigate health-care fraud. Prerequisite: HSMG 698.
HSMG 709 INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH (1 - 4)Individual research on an academically sound project of interest to the student in consultation with a monitoring faculty member. Depending on the scope and depth of research, from 1 to 4 credits may be earned for successful completion of this course. prerequisite: permission of program director and monitoring faculty member
HSMG 711 SPECIAL TOPICS IN HEALTH SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT (3)This course will cover specific topics, issues and trends in health management that would be of mutual interest to faculty and students alike. Prerequisite: None
HSMG 725 FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS (3)Provides students with foundational knowledge in both geographic information science and Systems that will allow them to better understand and think critically about the role of "place and space" and to engage in the routine use of basic GIS technology in their studies and workplace. Students will learn to use ESRl's ArcGIS to create maps and analyze geo-data and relationships, and to present their results to others. prerequisite: none
HSMG 750 HEALTHCARE DELIVERY SYSTEMS (3)This course broadly surveys the organization, financing, and delivery of health services in the U.S. An examination of policy and regulations in terms of their impact on the delivery of health services are also examined. Comparisons to other national systems will be discussed to better understand the complexity of the American health system.
HSMG 751 LONG-TERM CARE ADMINISTRATION (3)Provides an in-depth knowledge of various long-term care facilities and the relevant administration entities involved. It is the study of the functions of a long-term care facility and its organizational management. It will also discuss the history of long-term care administration and its accreditation entities. prerequisites: none.
HSMG 752 INTERNSHIP (3)Serves to build a bridge between theory and practice. Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and acquire insights into the management of health service organizations. prerequisite: completion of 27 graduate credits prior to beginning course or permission of program director, and successful completion of HSMG 630, 632, 650, 699, 750, 755 and 766.
HSMG 753 POLICY ISSUES IN HEALTH CARE (3)Study of a few current policy issues in the American health-care system. Particular attention to the roles and powers of nonmedical participants, including consumers, planners, administrators and policymakers.
HSMG 755 QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT FOR HEALTH ADMINISTRATORS (3)This course focuses on quality improvement and patient safety theories, models, methods and tools in healthcare settings. Content areas include systems assessment and measurement as they relate to quality improvement. The course also explores quality outcomes and accountability at all levels and settings of healthcare and focuses on continuous improvement related to the delivery of healthcare services. Pre-requisites: HSMG 632 and HSMG 750.
HSMG 757 CAPSTONE: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS FOR HEALTH ADMINISTRATORS (3)This is an integrative capstone course that provides a comprehensive look at health care organizations applying the fundamentals of finance and economics, quality management, policy analysis, quantitative analysis, health law and contemporary management practices of healthcare organizations. Pre-requisites: HSMG 630, HSMG 632, HSMG 650, HSMG 699, HSMG 750, HSMG 755, HSMG 766.
HSMG 766 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR FOR HEALTH ADMINISTRATORS (3)This course provides an in-depth examination of evidenced-based practices related to managing human resources that include: personal and interpersonal communication, group process and leadership, organizational behavior and change. Pre-Requisites: HSMG 750.
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